Are you tired of being tired putting up with lack of joy and prosperity?
A woman suffered from tiredness, lack and unhappiness for years until she realized she was holding on to hurts and feelings toward other people, and herself. She blamed others for seeming offenses, and spent a lot of her energy in resentment. Little did she realize how debilitating these emotions were to her until learning about the healing power of forgiveness.
Having grown tired of being tired and putting up with lack of joy and prosperity, she decided to make a radical change. She learned all she could about forgiveness and went to work forgiving everything and everybody who needed forgiving by her, including herself.
Past negative memories and hurts are too expensive to hang on to. They are very harmful to the body and occupy space in your mind that could be filled with love, joy, peace and harmony.
When you forgive it is love at work; a way of turning the Golden Key.
Sometimes a person will make a mistake that might cost him quite a sum of money. Then he will spend time beating up on himself for his seeming stupidity which adds to his feelings of guilt and loss. Unless he wants to have more unhappy, unhealthy, money-losing experiences, the wise thing to do is to turn the Golden Key: Take the lesson from the experience, know that there is never any loss in God, completely forgive, and move on.
Forgiving allows you to live free from guilt, hurt, resentment and the harm these cause in your body. Forgiving is living The Golden Key Way of Life. – Lovingly, Rev. John
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer: I fully and freely forgive everything and everybody who could possibly need to be forgiven by me.
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
Are you ready for miracles? During the month of May we are focusing our prayer support upon the miracle-producing activity of God and invite you to join with us.
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
The Healing Word
After you have prayed to be healed of some negative condition of mind or body, you may or may not notice immediate results. Yet, you may be assured that prayer by prayer, you are applying layers of healing to both your mind and body.
An affirmation such as:God’s healing light and love flow through me now, and I am healed in mind and body is powerful to restore you to complete health and wholeness. The Truth is: Divine life flows through you all the time. Through your life-affirming affirmations, you send a healing message to every cell of your body causing it to be alive and well.
Rev. John’s Health Healing e-Newsletter
Purpose: To assist you in your quest to experience the optimal health that you are divinely designed for, through healthy/life-giving ideas, inspiration and modalities, with emphasis on Spiritual healing.
Watch for it!
The Prospering Word
The vast universe in which you live was created from God’s infinite love. That same love creates opportunities for you to prosper and grow through a limitless supply of divine ideas. If you seem to experience a challenge with your finances, prepare yourself to receive prospering ideas by immersing yourself in a quiet time of meditation. Align your mind with the loving presence of God within you. In this peaceful place you are reminded that God’s will for you is abundance. God’s reassuring love energizes you so that you are open and receptive to divine ideas. As you put these ideas to work, you are prospered.
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
Even if you do not have any money to speak of, you can create for the mind the illusion that what you do have is overwhelming abundance. – Stuart Wilde
We are poor when we do not have a relationship with God. We are rich when God is our friend. – Jim Rosemergy
You know your life is transformed when you are able to maintain a feeling of love. – White Eagle
If a man foolishly does me wrong I will return to him the protection of my ungrudging love. The more evil comes from him, the more good shall go from me. – The Buddha
Please note: There are daily Bytes of Wisdom on Rev. John’s Facebook page. Visit and leave a comment.
A Little Humor. . .
A man ordered a pizza to go. The cook asked him if he wanted it cut into 4 or 6 pieces. The man thought for a moment and said, “4 – I’m not hungry enough to eat 6 pieces.”
Don’t give up. Moses was once a basket case.
Last words of a Safari Guide: “It’s okay – that lion has just eaten.”
“Positive Living!” is a brief eZINE sent each week by e-mail to help you have a happy, loving, positive, and prosperous week. Your comments are invited. You are invited to pass it along to your friends. Spread the wealth of love and joy! – Namaste!
Dear Friend: Thank you for visiting my website. If you like it and find it helpful, you may show your gratitude in one or two ways: Write a note of appreciation to me, and/or give tax-deductible donations (tithe/love offering) to Golden Key Ministry-Unity. – Lovingly, Rev. John