It’s ok to love money
If you are like some people, you may have believed that money is not very good. Some people tend to treat money as something to be avoided while doing all manner of things to get it! They chase after something that often avoids them, and then wonder why. If that is the case with you, now is the time to change these beliefs and behavior patterns.
Just as people tend to avoid those who speak despairingly toward them, money will do the same because money is alive with energy and responds to your thoughts, words and feelings toward it. To have greater amounts of money coming into your life, it is essential for you to love it.
When I say to love money, I do not mean to love it for itself alone, or to worship it or to make a god of it. That is always wrong. What I do mean is to understand that money is formed of the same Substance as everything else, including your body, home, care, friends, and all things beautiful. Therefore, it is more than good and wonderful and deserves to be appreciated.
One of the main reasons why some people have so little money is because of resentful, negative attitudes toward it. They are ignorant of money’s intrinsic value. I don’t mean the various denominations of money. Money is God’s idea of circulation. It is God’s good green energy, and does a tremendous amount of good when used wisely and lovingly. Money is a handy medium of exchange.
When someone gives you some money, never say, “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.” Do not deny anyone the pleasure of helping the circulation of money in the universal financial system. Accept graciously and gratefully. Use it for some good purpose and share some of it with others. Money is wonderful and loves to be passed around. This activity is nothing less than Love in expression. – Lovingly, Rev. John
To have more money circulating in your life, read my book, The Secret of Multiplied Money!
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer: Money is wonderful! I keep it in circulation by wisely and lovingly blessing others with it.
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
Are you ready for miracles? During the month of May we are focusing our prayer support upon the miracle-producing activity of God and invite you to join with us.
Send your confidential Miracle Prayer Request we will especially pray with you. Please write “Miracle Prayer Request” in the subject line. Tell us what you desire us to pray with you for. We will acknowledge your request and send to you, a special miracle prayer for you to use.
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
Please use the PayPal button on this page. Or send
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
The Healing Word
There is in man a capacity for knowing God consciously and communing with Him. Man must learn to use the knowledge of Truth to sustain his consciousness of health. This alone insures health, joy, and satisfaction. To heal is to bring forth the perfect Christ man that exists within each of us. Christ in us is the little seed through which is brought forth the strong, healthy Christ man. – Charles Fillmore – Dynamics for Living
The Prospering Word
Of great importance is to believe you are worthy and deserving of any abundance of money and all the goodness of God. Negative, undeserving thoughts, feelings, and beliefs serve as roadblocks on the royal road to riches. It is far more profitable to think highly of yourself as the deserving, useful, wonderful child of God that you truly are. You deserve the very best – in abundance! – From my book, The Secret of Multiplied Money – Now available in print, eBook and Kindle formats!
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
The game of life is the game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds, and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy. – Florence Scovel Shinn
The basic law of prosperity is radiation and attraction. What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life and affairs. – Catherine Ponder
God provides everything in abundance, and so has provided abundance for you. What is abundance? Abundance means that you have such an amount of money in your possession that you never have to think about money. That is abundance, and nothing less, and nothing more than that can be called abundance. – Emmet Fox
A Little Humor. . .
Signs seen in London:
In an office: After tea break staff should empty teapot and stand upside down on the draining board.
In a Safari Park: Elephants please stay in your car.
Seen during a Conference: For anyone who has children and doesn’t know it, there is a Day Care on the first floor.
On a Repair Shop door: We can repair anything. (Please knock hard on the door – the bell doesn’t work.)
Message on a Leaflet: If you cannot read, this leaflet will tell you how to get lessons.Subscribe to Positive Living eZINE“Positive Living!” is a brief eZINE sent each Monday by e-mail to help you have a happy, loving, positive, and prosperous week. Your comments are invited. You are invited to pass it along to your friends. Spread the wealth of love and joy! – Namaste!