“If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” – John 13:17
God gives you the wisdom to choose the food that is best for your body. You are always wise to choose live foods, such as fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes and nuts. These live foods have all the protein and other nutrients your body needs to sustain and maintain optimum health. They are often ready to eat, or require little cooking. The less you cook food, the more nutritious it is and the greater benefit to the health of your body.
This is not only wise eating, but loving, too, because you contribute to the peace, love, harmony, health and prosperity of the world. George Bernard Shaw said, “We will never know peace in the world until we stop killing and eating animals.”
I am referring to the vegetarian way of life. I’ve been a vegetarian for about 40 years and am so glad I made the decision to go this route. I did it originally because of health problems, which soon cleared up, but eventually realized the spiritual benefits. Only those who practice vegan or vegetarianism can really experience how wonderful this is. It saves a lot of money, and a lot of animals are happy, too.
Beyond this, you are wise to feed your body with happy, uplifting, loving, healthy thoughts. Give thanks for the life of God ever moving through your body. There is no reason for your body to wear down or out or get old because God’s life is always renewing and regenerating your body. Every cell is constantly being renewed or replaced with new cells.
Eating live foods and thinking the highest thoughts, makes it a lot easier for the life-force to function giving you lots of strength, energy and excellent health. It’s a great way to live life lovingly. – Lovingly, Rev. John (Adapted from: *Positively Alive!)
The Way to Health
Whenever we have an experience of sickness it is evidence that we have been letting go of our hold on the gifts of God. We have ceased eagerly to appropriate and assimilate and make use of the life of Spirit through our thoughts, words, acts, and living habits.
We need to stir up and quicken our senses and give them the baptism of the new life in Christ Jesus. Our organism has been asleep from disuse and lack of vital interest in living – not merely in eating and drinking, sleeping, and being entertained – but in the vital issues that have to do with bringing ourselves into the full-rounded Jesus Christ expression of life.
In seeking the way to health we are to pray for an understanding of our oneness with God, to claim it. We are to study this relationship so that we may know how to lay hold of the abundant life and intelligence and substance and love of God, and build these into our souls and bodies, that we may perfect our expression. – Myrtle Fillmore – (Adapted from Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Letters.)
The Healing Kinetic Action of the Subconscious Mind
A psychologist friend of mine told me that one of his lungs was infected. X rays and analysis showed the presence of tuberculosis. At night before going to sleep he would quietly affirm “Every cell, nerve, tissue, and muscle of my lungs are now being made whole, pure, and perfect. My whole body is being restored to health and harmony.”
These are not his exact words, but they represent the essence of what he affirmed. A complete healing followed in within about a month. Subsequent X rays showed a perfect healing.
I wanted to know his method, so I asked him why he repeated the words prior to sleep. He said, “The kinetic action of the subconscious mind continues throughout your sleep-time period. Hence, give the subconscious mind something good to work on as you drop off to sleep.” This was a very wise answer. In thinking of harmony and perfect health, he never mentioned his trouble by name.
I strongly suggest that you refrain from talking about apparent ailments or giving them a name. Focus on the positive, healthy condition you desire to manifest in your body. Especially do this as you are going to sleep at night. The kinetic action of your subconscious mind will respond and you will experience healing. – (Adapted from: The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy)
Healthy Positive Prayer
Divinely guided, I feed my mind positive, loving
thoughts and my body alive, healthy food.
Healthy Bytes
Divine Love always meets every difficulty; but it can only meet it in the form of a change of thinking on your part. – Emmet Fox
There is a Master Way that conclusively solves, adjusts, and heals any and all problems. We should bring any detail, any special matter, any problem we choose into the Presence. To do this is to heal. – W. Frederic Keeler
Through concentration and conservation of thought force man regains consciousness of health in his mind, and health then becomes manifest. – Charles Fillmore