Claim What God Has Given You
As a child of God, health is your birthright. It is up to you to claim what God has given to you as a free gift.
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Practical Christianity, wrote:
“Health is fundamental in Being and is your divine birthright. To be healthy is natural. Health is your normal condition and of all creation. It is the orderly state of existence. It is a state of being sound or whole in mind, body, and soul. God’s idea of you is to be hale, whole, and hearty.
“Health, real health, is from within and does not have to be manufactured from the without. Health is the very essence of God and since God is within you, it is the real essence of your body. It is as universal and enduring as God.” (Adapted from: Dynamics for Living)
You have the capacity for consciously knowing God and communing with Him. To know God as health, take up the study of a healthy mind. Your mind is where the state of your health begins – with your thoughts and beliefs.
Claim and accept your divine birthright of perfect health. It is your gift from God and is His very presence in every cell of your body. In truth, lack of health is the denying of the presence of God.
Deny the appearance of lack of health and affirm your oneness with the perfect life of God. You may do this by declaring an affirmation such as this:
I am one with the perfect life of God. I now claim my birthright of perfect health.
Forgiveness Heals
Forgiveness means to give up or release something from your mind. When you forgive yourself, you stop doing what has caused you pain. You have the power to forgive your own mistakes. Repentance and forgiveness are the way that you get yourself out of undesirable conditions and situation. Resentment and unforgiveness cause toxic juices to flow throughout your body creating inharmonious conditions. When you genuinely forgive yourself and others, you cause the perfect power of love to flow, thus establishing harmony in every cell of your body.
Added to this, your mind is not bogged down with the depressing and damaging emotion of fear. Fear is the primary cause of unforgiveness and resentment. To the degree that you fear, you deny love. The secret to healing is to release fear by focusing the great energy of your mind upon love – Divine Love.
Health Comes from Within!
People work so hard to bring health to their bodies; to bring happiness, to bring success and prosperity into their lives; to bring artistic or literary gifts or talents within their grasp, to bring great new ideas from the outside. Of course they continually fail, because we cannot “bring” a single one of these things from the without to the within. The actual development is just the very reverse – they have to be released from the within that they may appear on the without. In short, we do not to build from the outside; our task, as Browning says, is “to set free the imprisoned splendor.” – Emmet Fox – Power Through Constructive Thinking.
Gratitude Is Healing Energy!
A sure treatment for illness is gratitude. It is difficult for a body that vibrates with gratitude to be unhealthy. The way for your body to vibrate with gratitude is to be grateful for everything. Each morning be grateful for the new day and all the wonders of the day. All through the day, be grateful for everything with a simple “Thank You, God!” for every little and large blessing. You don’t really need anything, though, to be grateful for. Just have the feeling of thankfulness.
Jim Rosemergy calls this “Thanksliving.” It is expressing thanks for everything and praising and blessing continually. If you are experiencing inharmony in your body, give thanks for God’s perfection now alive in every cell of your body. Do this regardless of appearance of anything else. Praise and bless the perfection of God now alive in your body and you set up a strong, vibrant vibration of health and well-being.
Mental Healing
Most everyone is interested in the healing of their own body and affairs. Have you ever asked yourself these questions: What is it that heals? Where is this healing power? The answer is that this healing power is in your subconscious mind. If you experience ill-health, a change in attitude is part of the healing process which releases you from the undesirable condition.
Joseph Murphy, a Divine Science minister, wrote, “No mental or religious science practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor ever healed a patient. There is an old saying, ‘The doctor dresses the wound, but God heals it.’ The psychologist or psychiatrist proceeds to remove the mental blocks in the patient so that the healing principle may be released, restoring the patient to health.
Likewise, the surgeon removes the physical block enabling the healing currents to function normally. No physician, surgeon, or mental science practitioner claims that ‘he healed the patient’. The one healing power is called by many names – Nature, Life, God, Creative Intelligence, Subconscious Power.”
By whatever name the power that heals is the perfect life of God in you. All healing is mental in that even if one undergoes surgery, a mental decision was made to do that because it was believed that this would bring about healing. The Golden Key to healing of the body is to heal your mind first. You start this healing process by changing your attitude and using healing statements such as:
God, in me, is my healing power. I see myself as God sees me: Healthy, Happy, Whole and Well. I am healthy, happy and alive with positive, God-energy. I now relax, let go, and let God’s infinite life activity do its perfect work in my mind and body. I am healed, whole, complete, and positively alive now!
You have been authorized to do great things. This doesn’t necessarily mean in the world, but what greater thing could you do than to use your mental capacity to heal your body and, with it, your affairs. To paraphrase Napoleon Hill, THINK AND GROW HEALTHY! – Lovingly, Rev. John
From Rev. John’s Health & Healing Newsletter
Lovingly provided by Golden Key Ministry-Unity – The Leading Online New Thought Ministry, and provider of Spiritual Food to nourish your soul.
November, 2011
“Rev. John’s Health & Healing e-Newsletter” is a brief newsletter sent by e-mail to help you have a happy, healthy, loving, positive, and prosperous week. Your comments are invited. You are invited to pass it along to your friends. Spread the wealth of love and joy! – Namaste!
Questions? If you have specific questions about health and healing, kindly write them to me. I will do my best to answer them personally or in later editions of this e-Newsletter.
Testimonials? Kindly send your health and healing testimonials to me. Tell me how you have used prayer, spiritual laws and principles to maintain health and/or to heal your body and life.
Dear Friend: Thank you for visiting my website. If you like it and find it helpful, you may show your gratitude in one or two ways: Write a note of appreciation to me, and/or give tax-deductible donations (tithe/love offering) to Golden Key Ministry-Unity. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Tithes/Love Offerings:
Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046-0989