Emmet Fox wrote: “Now we come to the question of money, or supply. The first thing that you have to know is why you should treat (pray) for money at all, and why it is right to wish to be prosperous, because up to the present this has not been a part of orthodox religion. We have been accustomed to think that although we ought to pray for help in times of temptation, and when we are ill, we ought to not to pray for money unless we are in dire straits.”
If you were at the very end of your resources and even at the point of being turned out of your home it is your duty to pray for help; for plenty of money, and that when you do so in the right spirit God will help you. Understand that this is the right thing to do.
By prayer, I mean to pray scientifically or affirmatively, and never beg or beseech God to help or provide for you, which implies fear. Rather, declare that, right now, all-providing Substance, is surrounding and enfolding you with infinite wealth and you are now provided with more than enough money to meet every need and desire. Follow with deep gratitude.
I wrote in my new book, The Secret of Multiplied Money, “The magnificent Substance that constantly surrounds you is unlimited and is the essence of whatever you desire. Its inclination and only work is to fulfill every claim you make on it. This is true for every need on Mother Earth. Spiritual Substance is capable of providing lavish abundance for every child of God and is always eager to do so.”
Instead of waiting for emergencies to come, it is much more sensible to pray (affirm) regularly for financial supply so that trying times never come. You are wise to affirm every day that you live in a Sea of Omnipresent God-Substance which has nothing more to do than to richly and abundantly provide for you, and is doing so now. Be deeply grateful that this is true for you. – Lovingly, Rev. John
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer: I live in a Sea of God-Substance and I am prospered richly and abundantly now! Thank You, God, I am grateful!
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
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Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
Pour your living words of faith into omnipresent Substance, and you will be prospered though all the banks in the world close their doors. Turn the great energy of your thinking toward “plenty” ideas, and you will have plenty regardless of what others about you are saying or doing. – Charles Fillmore
What we need is not only a larger awareness of God’s inexhaustible Substance but a capacity for acceptance commensurate with our claim. We should always expect something better than the particular thing for which we pray. – Robert A. Russell