Every life-affirming, positive word you speak has the power to comfort and uplift. Each day, wherever you are, do your part to make a positive difference among those close to you, in your workplace, and in your community. You do this by helping to create an atmosphere of love by speaking healing word.
As you speak words of compassion and understanding, you open the door to healing a relationship. Kind words generate love and promote peace in your circumstances. Make sure that the words you speak are words of life and healing.
Your personal experience of thinking life-affirming thoughts is maintaining your own health and well-being. Thus you radiate with a strong vibration of life. When you speak faith-filled words of life and health, you support friends and loved ones in their healing experiences. And, you help to raise the consciousness of humankind. – Lovingly, Rev. John
The Prospering Word – Is God Adequate?
If you wish to tithe, you may ask yourself a simple question: Is God adequate? Does God have the ability to provide for you? The Bible reveals that when people tithed, they prospered. When they did not tithe, they were in need. To put your money away for the future without first tithing is like putting food on the shelf while you starve. To save is good but not until you have been nourished, spiritually and physically.
The fact that people tithed and prospered does not mean there is magic in tithing, or that God favors those who tithe. When you tithe, you learn to trust God’s ability to care for you; that He is the Source. You learn that God is not a God of the few. His riches can never be exhausted. He has (and is) the answer for every prayer. He has abundance for all! – Excerpted from Bread of Life by Emma Smiley.
May we pray with you? We welcome prayer requests for all good desires. Write your prayer request in confidence to us now.
We are grateful for your tithes and love offerings.
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Checks/money orders: Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P. O. Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
You can’t change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.
When we get our false beliefs out of the way of God’s intention for us, health, abundance, peace, and harmony can flow through all that we are and through all our affairs. Standing fast in Truth is the solution to problems everywhere in the world. – Nora Boyd
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
A Little Humor. . .
The young preacher was called to a rural church and appeared for his first sermon that Sunday. To his dismay he found that one of the parishioners had brought his dog to the service. He asked the dog’s owner to kindly remove the animal. The man obligingly took the dog out and returned to his seat. After the service, the church deacons rebuked the new preacher for insulting one of their staunchest members. The dog made no trouble, they pointed out and had been accompanying its master to church for years. The preacher called on the dog’s owner and apologized. “Don’t worry about it, Reverend,” the man replied. “I wouldn’t have had my dog hear that sermon for anything in the world.” – Jeff MacNelly
In the mail. . .
Grateful for Prayers! – Thank you for your prayers for myself, my family and all my loved ones. It is always a pleasure to hear from you and to know that you and your ministry are praying with us every day. Together, our prayers are making a real difference in our lives. Kindly continue to pray with me as I prepare to embark on a rather large business venture. I know I am divinely guided and that God is providing all the money needed, and more. I have faith that with you praying with me, everything will work out easily and in divine order. I am enclosing my grateful tithe. – P. F. in New York