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Make Your Life Delicious! – LOVE is the very best and highest force for good in your life, and in the world. Love is your personal golden key to peace of mind, health, happiness, success and prosperity.
Live Life Lovingly – The secret of meeting life in a confident, peaceful and happy way is to realize the truth that God is love and then to look lovingly at life. When you look lovingly at life it is so much easier to Live Life Lovingly.
Love Reunites a Father and Daughter – For several years a young lady and her father had not spoken to each other because of a misunderstanding. Evidently he had not forgiven her for something she was supposed to have done.
The Unlimited Abundance of Unconditional Love – Harold Becker, Guest Author – In the moments where we have allowed our individual and collective fear to be our master, our reaction has typically been to destroy the things we hold most dear.
Shadows of the Past – Larry James, Guest Author – Shadows of the past are our out-dated precepts and ideas that serve no one. They are our preconceived notions about how we think things should be, should turn out or how things are. They cast their dreary shadow between ourselves and all that is good.
Love is Like Rhubarb! – One of the best things about Love is that it is so unending. We can give it as much as much as we want and always have more left over.
Unconditional Love – The Simple Question – Harold Becker, Guest Author – In this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us.
Larry James’s 8 Pointers for Happy Relationships – Follow these 8 quick tips for a healthy and happy relationship!
Turn About – Why people demonstrate adverse things. The reason why people demonstrate many adverse things is. . .
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff! – In the scheme of things, 100 years isn’t all that long a time. However, one thing’s for sure: A hundred years from now we will all be gone from this planet.
A Cure for Worry – Do you believe there is a cure for worry? On the radio, TV, newspapers, Internet, are advertisements of cures for just about everything. So there must surely be a cure for worry, but it is doubtful you’ll find it even on the Internet.
The Truth Student’s A B C’s – Memorize these A B C’s of a Truth student and you will have the right word and affirmation for meeting any and every situation, and to live life victoriously.
The Inner Meaning of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs – A Metaphysical interpretation of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, one of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
The Five Basic Unity Principles – Learn the five basic unity principles and apply them in your life for amazing results.
How to Get Your Prayers Answered – You can have answers to your prayers when you pray in the right way, and in the right attitude. Jesus gave us a clue when the woman who had been hemorrhaging, came to Him and knew that if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed.
Karma or Grace – It’s your choice! – One night, as I stood in the doorway of my home, I watched with fascination a bigger than usual thunderstorm. The thought ran through my mind, “What would it be like to have lightning and thunder at the same time.”
Let Go and Let God Do It! – Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to attract all manner of good to you without a lot of extra effort.
The Chickens Come Home to Roost! – There is an old saying with a mountain of truth in it: “The chickens come home to roost.” In my early years, my folks had a chicken ranch on the southern Oregon coast, with thousands of chickens.
Our Little Iron Beds – It is important to allow other people to be free and to not try to make them fit into molds that we think they should. Much of the unhappiness and lack of peace of mind that people often experience, in relation to other people, is caused by judging people and allowing ourselves to be unhappy if their behavior is not exactly according to our standards for them.
Personal Options – We all have the option of making our lives as we want them to be; however, sometimes we do so without realizing that we have more personal options. Perhaps, we did not tune in to, or listen to the whole or main menu.
Are You Asking the Right Questions? – Unfortunately and ignorantly, most people ask the wrong questions and the answers show up AS their lives. Then they wonder why life doesn’t treat them better. Read this article and learn how to ask the right questions and enjoy a better life.
No Difficulty is Beyond Solution – Regardless of how things may appear, there is a right solution for every problem. Whatever the difficulty may be, God has an answer and when you turn to Him in faith, believing, that answer comes.
Thankfulness – Thankfulness is a delightful, powerful mental practice that helps to keep you in tune with God, and to cause an ever-increasing flow of rich abundance in your life. Happier and more richly blessed are those who practice thankfulness.
You Deserve the Best! – You have every right to enjoy good health, happiness, financial plenty, and the very best of everything! It is absolutely not necessary for you to be unhappy or to be depressed. Neither is it necessary for you to feel disappointed, discouraged or to experience trouble.
The Secret of Letting Go – Guy Finley, Guest Author – There is nothing wrong with being a successful human being. In fact, the purpose of your life is to win. But what if, in your quest for this victory, you were accidentally drawn into a compelling game in which, unknown to you, it was impossible to win, no matter how well you performed or how religiously you followed the rules?
The Golden Keyer’s Guide to Peace of Mind, Health, Wealth and Happiness – Learn and turn the Golden Key. Worry is an endless circle that begins and ends in the same place. God can do what you cannot. Let this guide create a new positive paradigm (pattern) of thought and happy successful living.
The Power of “I CAN” – When you apply the principle of “I can,” you will not fail to bring to yourself the kind of happiness and fulfillment you only dreamed of before.
There is Prospering Power in Your Spoken Word! – You have within you the power to make your life what you desire it to be. Your spoken word is not only powerful to make changes in your life; it is the power through which definite changes come about.
When Things Look the Worst – Regardless of how bad things may look or how severe a problem or difficulty may seem, there is a way out – a right solution.
Getting to the Top of the Hill! – You can always reach the top of the hill, or your ultimate goal, if you make enough effort. Sometimes you are required to back down and get a better run at it.
**NEW! ** DO YOU WANT A JOB? There is a good job for you. This special article by guest author, Russell A. Kemp, gives you right ideas for finding your right place of employment. Read it and get ready to be happily employed!
Expand Your Awareness of Universal Supply! – The stars in the heavens are beyond counting, and grains of sand on the beaches are incomprehensibly numerous. This is an infinitely abundant universe. If it were not, it would have depleted itself long ago.
Prosperity’s Demonstration – Prosperity’s demonstration is giving. We mistakenly believe that prosperity is demonstrated when we receive when money comes to us or we get a new job. This is untrue. This article appears in three parts.
The Prosperity Law of Putting God First – Let’s assume you have the possibility of receiving a large amount of money. You are told that you must complete a list of the first five things you would do with the gift and that your list will determine if you receive the funds. This article appears in two parts.
Your Supply is Always at Hand – The spiritual realm is mysterious and unknown to most of humankind. We sense its power, but only a few God-centered individuals have tapped the kingdom and allowed its power to give rise to miracles and wonders.
Ideas Prosper You! – Keep receptive to new ideas and act upon them. Every new company, every new product was one an idea in the mind of a human being. It was a gift and a bridge which allowed the power that God is to come into being.
A Consciousness of God is Your Supply – The key to living prosperously is to learn each of the following steps in this article and to make a determined effort to follow through.
Are You Willing to Prosper? – This may seem like a strange question, however, the question is not, do you want to prosper but are you willing to prosper, or to receive? It has been my experience that many people who say they want to prosper, are not willing to receive the greater supply God has for them.
Why People Don’t Prosper – One reason people don’t prosper is because they look only to one or two avenues of supply instead of to God, as their source. They wrongly believe that their job, husband, wife, investments, the government, or some other channel is their source. This is very limiting and wrong. Enhance
Your Prosperity! – Enhance means to intensify, deepen, heighten, magnify, enlarge, increase, raise. When I speak of enhancing your prosperity, I am talking about intensifying, deepening, heightening, magnifying, enlarging, increasing and raising your prosperity! Does that sound good to you?
Ten: The Magic Number of Increase – Those who are truly prosperous know that “ten is the magic number of increase” used so successfully by the prosperous people of ancient and modern times. They know and accept without question, the value of voluntarily tithing ten percent of their whole income to God’s work.
Divine Guidance – A wealthy businessman once told me that he always asks for divine guidance concerning matters of major important. Then he waits for 48 hours before making decisions regarding those matters while he keeps open and receptive.
Prosperity for Christmas! – What a wonderful gift to give yourself, and to share with those you love.
Seed Money – The Law of Tenfold Return – The “Law of Sowing and Reaping” practically applied. How to create the HAVE consciousness, and enjoy financial abundance. Learn to multiply your money “tenfold” and reap a harvest of multiplied money. This article is in 4 parts.
Seed Money Success Stories! It’s Right to be Rich! – It is right for everyone, especially you to be rich! You should be just as rich as you possibly can. Unfortunately and ignorantly, some people do not believe this due to fear-based religious or parental training.
NOW! – Regardless of how long it may seem to take to demonstrate your desired prosperity, it will be NOW when you do. There is no time other than NOW. Even the last moment has gone, never to return, and the next moment is not here yet. So, do not try to live in either!
The Love Prosperity Prayer – This prayer is based on the 23rd Psalm and when repeated daily, will help you to focus your consciousness on the Source of all supply and aid you in manifesting prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life.
You Can Always Be More Prosperous. . . And You Should Be! – A basic reason that more people do not enjoy having more money and what it can provide is that they look only to one or two avenues (job, etc.) for their financial supply. This is a limited way of thinking.
Health is Natural – A person actually has to work at it to be unhealthy, but many people do work at being sick through their negative words, wrong thinking, and ignorant, even abusive treatment of their bodies.
Rev. John’s Natural Cold/Flu Remedy – When the weather turns colder, people often believe that this is their time to experience colds or flu. It is promulgated by the news media. The best thing is to not accept it as a given. When you eat, drink, and think right, you will be healthy and stay well.
Appetite, Food and Living – God has given you the ability to discriminate; to choose wisely; to choose those things that your body needs to be healthy, whole and filled with energy. God in you is infinite wisdom and intelligence always guiding you as you let Him in all that you think, feel, say, and do.
Healing is Always Possible – The place to start when there is a healing need is to realize that healing is possible, that health is the natural state of your body. It is wise to begin by thinking of the good health you desire.
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