The Lenten season is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter. During this time, according to tradition, something is given up for Lent. It is usually something like meat, which is an excellent idea, or some habit. To truly prepare for a real Easter celebration, you are wise to give up harmful attitudes and behaviors, especially the three “Terrible Cs”:
Criticism, Condemnation and Complaining.
This is advisable because they are very detrimental to your health, happiness, financial condition and your peace of mind.
Replace the “Terrible Cs” with the three “Happy As”:
Acceptance, Approval, and Appreciation.
Accept yourself and everyone as the wonderful child that we are. Approve of everyone, including yourself, as worthy of praise. Appreciate yourself and everyone for the beautiful beings we are. We are all made of the same stuff: LOVE. Therefore we are deserving of being accepted, approved of, and appreciated.
Granted, this may not seem easy to do, but with practice it gets easier, is much more fun, and makes you feel good, too! Do this every day until Easter and you will have something to really celebrate.
As you refrain from negatives and focus only on that which is loving, positive, uplifting and life-giving, your positive action will continue beyond Easter. That is because it is Divine Love in action and not only prepares you for a truly happy Easter, but far beyond. -Lovingly, Rev. John
upon your ways. – Job 22:28
Positive Prayer
my happier, healthier, more peaceful
and prosperous life.
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Thank you for touching my life. I was guided to Emmet Fox when I needed the truth/message and found your website. Thank you for validating the inspiring teaching of Emmet Fox. The emailed prayers for prosperity (with others united in prayer) transform my thoughts and affirm the loving Presence in my life. Keep them coming. I am on the path to know God and your website is a ‘life raft” of love and affirmation. Thank you. – Sophia G. in Amsterdam, NL
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. – Winston S. Churchill
Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost. – Robert H. Schuller
Be as a cup, and the universe flows into you. Be as an arrow, and the universe retreats from you. – Zen Proverb
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
A game warden driving down the road came upon a young boy with a wild turkey under his arm.
Warden: “Son, where did you get that turkey?”
Boy: “What turkey?”
Warden: “The turkey you’re carrying under your arm!”
Boy: “Well lookee here, a turkey done roosted under my arm!”
Warden: “You know it’s not turkey season so whatever you do to that turkey, I’m going to do to you. So what are you going to do with the turkey?”
Boy: “I guess I’ll just kiss him goodbye and let him go!”