Here are some ways to improve your health. First, use the power of your thought and word to create a right mental/spiritual environment. This means to refrain from deteriorating thoughts and words such as, “sickness is inevitable,” “everybody’s coming down with . . .” “I’m sick and tired of . . . “. Remember that you are not your body. You are a spiritual being endowed with all that God is – Life, Love, Wisdom, Perfection, All-Good. Affirm this over and over as you claim and accept this Truth for yourself.
Second, use wisdom in selecting food for your body. You are always wiser to choose alive food that doesn’t have to be killed, such as vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, and legumes. These foods require less energy to digest and nurture your body more easily and naturally.
Get plenty of sleep and exercise, and allow time for prayer and meditation in which you practice the Presence of God. During your prayer and meditation time, focus on the positive and good. This is a very powerful improvement activity. Most of all, love. Love the Source. Love yourself. Love your body. Love everything. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Healthy Cooking Hint
Next time you go to cook a meal, be conscious of your cookware. Non-stick pots and pans are the worst option in terms of leaching. Replace this cookware with safer, more effective alternatives. Stay away from cookware that releases chemicals, and consume food in the state that makes it most beneficial. Ceramic-coated cookware, although non-stick, is one of the best.
Put things in order . . . and the God of love and peace will be with you.
– 2 Corinthians 13:11
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Prosperity Improvement
Here are some ways to improve your prosperity. First, acknowledge that God is the Source of your supply. Charge your mind with this Truth as you release any old belief that people, jobs, or investments are your source. The latter are channels.
Realize that wherever you are, God is, therefore your supply is always with you. It comes through you as prospering ideas.
God is love. As love, God is abundantly able to prosper you and loves doing so.
A man who believed that he had to work hard and do whatever was necessary to prosper, said he couldn’t figure out why he still didn’t prosper in the way he desired. When a Truth minister pointed out to him that God was his source and that God never works hard at anything, He just does, this man changed his attitude. He put more love into his prayers and work and let God take care of things. Soon, he began to prosper in ways that amazed him.
No improvement was possible until this man changed from the “old way” of working hard to earn, to tuning in to God and let Him work through him. A big part of his improvement came through lovingly, freely and gratefully tithing. In other words, when he stopped being fearful and stingy with God, and gratefully give back to God, the way opened for God’s infinite provision to pour through him into his life. It was nothing less than Love doing what Love loves to do. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
– Proverbs 4:23
In the Mail …
Thankful for Improvement! – I cannot thank you enough for helping me to learn to pray in an affirmative way, and to tithe. Before, I was doing more begging than affirming and accepting. This change has made a real improvement. Since I began tithing, my financial affairs have straightened out after being in a mess for years. Now, there is always plenty of money left over after giving my tithe and paying bills. I’m not sure how it works, but am grateful that it does! Thank you again for helping me improve my thinking, my finances, and my life. Enclosed is my grateful tithe in support of your wonderful ministry. – G. W. in Kentucky
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes …
Success is more a function of common sense than it is of genius. – An Wang
God has been so lavish in His gifts that you can lose some priceless ones, the equivalent of whole kingdoms, and still be indecently rich! – Wilfred Sheedy
Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind, and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength. – Dr. Alexis Carrel