Eric Butterworth wrote in In the Flow of Life, “You are a child of the universe. You do not walk your path of life alone. The whole universe walks with you. It is dramatically involved in you. Its dynamic flow is ever expressing as you. Thus health is not something you can “get” physically, in pills and potions, or metaphysically in prayers or treatments. You cannot get health. You can only be health. Health is the reality of life, the normal condition of man.”
It is interesting to note that most people, it seems, believe the opposite to what Eric Butterworth wrote. They believe that sickness is natural and is to be expected. Then they tend to substantiate this belief with their words and by doing what Jesus said not to do, judge by appearances. Jesus meant to not be fooled by what appears and call it real. There is only one reality and that is God.
Too often when someone is diagnosed by a doctor to “have” a certain illness or disease, they accept the doctor’s word as authority because he is educated in medicine. Accepting a diagnosis, the person immediately begins to worry and to fear the worst. The Truth is, you cannot “have” something other than what you are. In reality what you have is God and God is absolute perfection. This is not to say that there may be the appearance of disharmony in your body, but remember what Jesus said. Do not judge by the appearance. Realize that it is only that. If it was reality, it would always have been and would always be.
God is the only reality. The more you can realize this, the easier and more profound will be the return to a healthy condition because knowing this Truth sets up a positive vibration preventing anything less than God to remain. You are wise to remain in the consciousness that regardless of a diagnosis, there is really only God-perfection in every cell of your body. It is a healthy practice to know this daily and to speak your word accordingly.
It has been my personal experience to allow the medical profession to do what is necessary to aid in the healing process while taking whatever alternative steps needed. I’ve been on Mother Earth for quite a few years and am grateful that my health challenges have not been many. I attribute my good health to knowing the Truth which includes daily declarations of Truth affirmations, meditation, and giving a lot of attention to alternative healing modalities. Thankfully, I have learned that love is the most powerful healing “potion” I can take. Try it for yourself. – Lovingly, Rev. John
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. – John 8:32
Money is Wonderful! – Part 3
Remind yourself often that money is abundantly available, that it is God-Substance constantly flowing throughout the Universe. Therefore, there is more than enough flowing freely, right where you are. Especially do not feel fearful in the presence of money. Feel love and money will flow more abundantly.
Stuart Wilde wrote in his wonderful book, The Little Money Bible, “There are trillions of dollars zipping about electronically on any given day. Those electronic signals are literally passing through your body right now!”
This should give you a grander feeling of abundance and realize that there is plenty of money for you and everyone. It is wise to think intelligently about money, and the wisest way you can think about it is to know that it is good and there is always plenty for you.
Never refuse money. If someone offers to buy your dinner, let them! Thank them and the Universe. If someone wants to pay you for doing something for them, graciously accept their gift. Since money is good and God in action, that’s the way God (good) moves around.
When you think about it, money really is wonderful and when you have plenty of it flowing in and through your life, it is even more wonderful! That’s because you have more of God flowing in and through your life. – Lovingly, Rev. John
The above is excerpted from The Secret of Multiplied Money (click to purchase your own copy).
In the Mail …
Fast Results! – I received your acknowledgment of my joining the Summer ‘Unexpected’ income prosperity program on Friday and immediately began declaring the Prayer-Treatment. On Saturday, I unexpectedly received over $100 in extra money to buy clothes for my children. – Indiana
Grateful for Help! – Your letter really helped me. Since receiving your letter, I have made it a point to take time every morning and have my talk with God, and to listen to what He has to say to me. Then I follow through on that guidance. It has made a big difference. I am much happier and healthier and my prosperity is growing nicely, too. Thank you for teaching me to tithe. Your taking time to answer my questions showed that you really care. This means a lot to me. Enclosed please find my tithe in support of your wonderful ministry. – Florida
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes …
Financial blessings are so much fun, especially when ‘unexpected’. But any way that money comes, it’s always happily accepted! – Rev. John
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does, the better. – Andre Gide
You have all the love you need for healing, prosperity, and happy human relationships right within you. – Catherine Ponder
It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially affect the lot of humankind. – Albert Einstein