Sending You Special Spiritual Energy
Dear Loving Friend:
Easter Sunday is on April 16th. We are streaming to you, special spiritual energy to illumine your mind, fill your heart with love, and make this Easter a wonderful celebration! Open yourself to this spiritual activity and experience the bright, healthy, happy, peaceful and fulfilling life that is divinely and rightfully yours. It is another way of saying, Jesus Christ resurrecting power is alive and active in and through you now.
Emmet Fox wrote:
Easter, when properly understood, symbolizes the supreme spiritual experience of humankind. We were not meant to be forever in limitation, fear, and misunderstanding. The design of Providence is that we should awaken to our true spiritual nature, cast off the works of darkness, and go forth clad in the shining armor of light. That is the True Easter.
Individually, each one of us must aim at making the same demonstration that Jesus made, by studying the science that He taught, and applying it unswervingly in his or own life.
Make this Easter season to be a time of daily practicing the Presence of God, as Jesus did leading up to his great demonstration of the reality of Life! The same Life is expressing in and through you now. Gratefully accept and allow yourself to be lifted up to the highest level of life, love, joy and peace. Then you will experience the True Easter.
You are lovingly invited to write your special Easter Prayer request to us. Let us know what we may join with you in prayer concerning. When friends join together in prayer, miracles happen! Write your prayer request, now. We will pray with you all through Easter. Prayer Requests
We are grateful for you, and all who are part of Golden Key Ministry-Unity. Thank you for your prayer requests, for visiting our websites, and sharing this ministry with friends.
Every day, we devote ourselves to doing the best we can to provide delicious, enlightening, and nourishing spiritual food for you and everyone. We are so grateful to all who lovingly support us in doing God’s work.
We are especially thankful for the loving friends who generously and thoughtfully support this ministry with your tithes. We appreciate you for your love and faith in this ministry.
Be assured that we are with you in prayer, dear friend, enfolding you in light, love, and peace. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will! Every day until Easter Sunday, affirm this Truth: The Resurrecting Power of Jesus Christ is now alive and active in me and I am filled with abundant life, love, peace and joy!
Lovingly, Rev. John