Less Fear-thoughts or Feelings, the Easier the Body Restores Itself.
Understandably, when there is a healing need, someone may tense up with fear and do everything possible to be restored to wholeness. However, this compounds things rather than heals. Usually, when a person gets a scratch or small cut on a finger, they may put a little medicine and a band-aide on it and forget it. In a short time, the finger is whole again. The same principle is true with all healing needs. The less fear-thoughts or feelings, the easier the body restores itself.
Let’s remember that every moment, the perfection of God is present and active in our bodies – always! It never goes away. It is active NOW!
One time, when I visited a young lady in a hospital, she told me that she was never fearful even though the diagnosis was termed rather severe. She remembered an affirmation she had learned in one of my classes, calmly repeating it over and over. THERE IS ONLY ONE PRESENCE AND ONE POWER IN ME, GOD, ABSOLUTE PERFECTION. I AM PERFECT AND WHOLE NOW!
She felt the joy of God’s loving, healing presence in her whole being, and was soon released from the hospital.
This is the message that Jesus Christ came to share with all of us. He was saying, in effect, “Take it easy. Relax and know the Truth and be at peace.” The Truth is: You are God’s perfect child and every moment His infinite love and wisdom are present and active in every atom of your being. If this were not so, I would have told you. – Lovingly, Rev. John
God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. – 1st John 4:12
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Easy Prosperity
As in healing, the same principle is true with prosperity. When financial supply apparently runs low, some people go into a panic mode, fearful that their money will run out.
In the early days of the Unity Movement, co-founder, Myrtle Fillmore met with the workers at Unity School and said that they might not be able to meet the payroll the next day. One of the workers said, “Let’s pray that the money holds out.” But, Myrtle said, “No, let’s pray that our faith holds out.” Money came in and the payroll was met on time.
Myrtle Fillmore, with her deep connection to God, was intimately aware of His loving, all-providing presence. She knew the value of relaxing and taking it easy because the appearance of lack was only that – just an appearance. Breathe in deeply. You just breathed in billions of dollars of prospering God-Substance!
Always, you live, move and have your being in God, therefore, you live, move and have your being in Exhaustless Wealth. When there is the appearance of financial lack, or when there isn’t, remember to breathe deeply and affirm: I LIVE, MOVE AND HAVE MY BEING IN GOD, THEREFORE, I LIVE, MOVE AND HAVE MY BEING IN EXHAUSTLESS WEALTH! Then be still and FEEL the joy of the loving, always providing presence of God moving in and through you. Take is easy. God has nothing better to do than to provide richly and abundantly for you.
– Lovingly, Rev. John
Our newly revised & improved 4-Part 40-Day
‘Unexpected’ Income Prosperity Program is now available.
If you have not yet enrolled, Click here. Enroll & Prosper
In the Mail …
Receives ‘Unexpected’ Income! – When I joined in your ‘Unexpected’ Income Prosperity Program, I was not quite ready to experience such a quick increase in my prosperity. Money is now seeming to come to me from every direction. So far, I have received over $400! It is amazing how the prayer-treatment works. Thank you again for providing this fun way to prosper. I am so happy and grateful! – From: Oregon
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes …
Eventually, we shall see that the Universe rests on the shoulders of Love; that God is Love; and that all the errors of man are the result of ignorance of his own true nature. All the animals, excepting man, know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it. – Samuel Butler
Whatever reason you had for not being somebody, there’s somebody who had the same problem and overcame it. – Barbara Reynolds
What you don’t know may not hurt you, but it will certainly amuse a lot of people! The most important thing you can do for yourself is to learn and turn The Golden Key: Turn away from problems and turn to God. God is the wonderful loving Power and Presence within you. God is the Answer to every seeming problem or difficulty.