Did You Know When You Worry You Draw Unhappy & Undesirable Circumstances to you?
If you are a worrier, listen to or watch this inspirational message from Rev. John Adams. It’s about a technique that just might be the perfect remedy for worry.
Something wonderful will happen to you!
Be Free from Worry
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Hello, this is Reverend John Adams, minister of Golden Key Ministry Unity, a worldwide prayer ministry by mail and the internet. I’ve been helping people through prayer, inspiration and positive ideas for over 45 years and I love what I do. Open your mind to the ideas I share with you here and put them to work in your life.
Apocatastasis. A-P-O-C-A-T-A-S-T-A-S-I-S.
Apocatastasis. I love that word. It means something wonderful is happening. It was coined by the late Reverend Jack Boland, an ordained Unity minister and former minister of the Today Church in Warren, Michigan.
I have a question for you. Do you worry? Many people do. However, that doesn’t make it okay.
The reason that people worry is primarily because of a conscious disconnect from God, the source. Worry is an endless circle that begins and ends in the same place and is a waste of good thought energy. The truth is, you cannot worry and practice the presence of God at the same time.
Worrying is focusing your attention upon negative appearances and feeling pessimistic and fearful. If you worry, you are using the Law of Attraction to draw to you unhappy, undesirable circumstances.
How much better it is to have a positive, loving and upbeat attitude in which you expect the best, in the assurance that the universe is richly and abundantly providing for you. This is the positive use of the Law of Attraction, which draws to you rich blessings of every kind in your personal life.
If things have not been as great as you would like, if you haven’t made as much progress as hope for, or if you just want to increase your happy, healthy, prosperous experiences – declare Apocatastasis, something wonderful is happening.
The truth is, you are a beloved, deserving child of God. You have within you a spark of divinity that never gives up. And is that something wonderful that is now ready for you?
God is on your side. God is always on your side. God is absolute, perfect, good all there is.
Regardless of circumstances, look on the bright side and expect the best. Express your faith in the all provision of God, which is all summed up in one grand word apple Apocatastasis.
St. Paul said, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, think on these things. We might add to that whatever is positive and uplifting. Think only in that which adds to the quality of your life. A positive, optimistic attitude that springs from a consciousness of God really knows Apocatastasis. Something wonderful is happening.
If you begin to worry or start feeling down, take a deep breath, let it all go and then declare Apocatastasis something wonderful is happening. Then be still for a few moments and feel the power and the joy of it. You will feel at least ten times better very quickly. It’s an excellent way of turning the golden key. If anyone tries to talk negatively to you, just say Apocatastasis.
Invite others to focus on Apple Apocatastasis. Something wonderful is happening. Together we will make a positive difference.
Thank you, dear friend. It is my joy and pleasure to share this with you. Your feedback is important to me. Send me an email and tell me about your Apocatastasis experiences.
This is Reverend John Apocatastasis. Something wonderful is happening.