From The Science of Living – In class with Emmet Fox
Pneuma is your Real Self, the Spirit. The word Pneuma is, of course the source of our familiar word pneumatic. Conventional psychology and religion speak, as a rule, of the body and soul only, but this is a gross error and the reason why the world has not made much greater progress throughout the ages.
It is not until you get the three-fold division that you have truth concerning man. Pneuma is your Real Self, the real you. The Ego. (Divine) Each of us has this Real Self behind the psyche. It is the Divine part of us. Call it your Higher Self, or your Real Self, or Divine Spark, what you please, it is there, and it never gets ill, or tired, or angry. It is never born, it has existed from all eternity, and it will never die. It has never made any mistakes, and knows neither fear nor anxiety. It is always in full communion with the Divine. It is what makes us men and women and not animals. It is what people really refer to when they speak of the Inner Light.
We are our real selves, are not evolved animals, and the Divine is always present within to heal us and teach us. It is only when you come to Pneuma that you touch the Miracle.
To get a promotion in business realize that Pneuma is always in his right place. What is his place? His place is the ideas of which he is conscious at any time. Your Real Self (Pneuma) is always conscious of perfect peace, happiness, joy, interest, abundance, and so on.
You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not your psyche. You are Pneuma, Divine Spirit.
I am not my body. I am not my thoughts. I am not my feelings. I am not my psyche. These are only my servants. I am Pneuma. I am Divine Spirit. I have dominion. All my conditions are spiritual.
I am Pneuma, Divine Spirit, My Real Self. I cannot be sick, hurt or afraid.
I am Pneuma, Divine Spirit, My Real Self. I am birthless, deathless, ageless.
I am Pneuma, Divine Spirit My Real Self. I am all that God is. God is all that I am.
I am Pneuma, Perfect Life, Perfect Love, Perfect Peace.
Thank You, God, I am grateful.