If you are feeling a sense of inner peace, well-being, acceptance and non-resistance, then what you want is going to come to you very fast. – Richard Dotts
What Richard Dotts wrote describes when miracles happen. They happen when you are in the “zone.” Often when someone thinks of miracles, they believe they occur because God did something special and stepped up His blessing power. The truth is, God never deviates, because God is constant. It is when a person taps in to that powerful Presence within and allows it to be wholly present within him that seeming miracles occur. God is Peace and in that Peace is all-life, all-love, all-wisdom, all-Good. This is why Peace is the true foundation of miracles and all manifestations.
Traditionally, we celebrate May as miracle month. Now, it seems, we could use a miracle as we move through the unusual circumstances we are experiencing. Love is the real power of miracles, but inner peace is the real foundation of miracles. When we breathe deeply allowing ourselves to feel the presence of God, we are in tune with the Infinite. By resting in the Peace o God, the miracle-working energy of Divine Love is released. That is all we need to do. God does the rest!
God as Peace, is constantly within you. Peace is not just being quiet, or the cessation of turmoil or war. Peace is. Inner Peace is God’s greatest gift to you. Breathe deeply of this gift. While lightly holding your intentions, feel this magnificent Peace within you, as you. Then you will experience God’s miracle power of Divine Love and great good will flow naturally into your life. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Recommended reading:
YOUR GREATEST GIFT by Richard Dotts (Amazon.com)
Be at peace and great good will come to you. – Job 22:21
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Positive Prayer
I am at peace and great good is now flowing easily into my life. Thank You, God, I am grateful.
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Golden Keys to Answered Prayer …
It is worthwhile to always take a few deep breaths as you release everything from your mind. Then allow yourself to dwell in the perfect Peace of God. Desire nothing. Just be. In that way the Universe has a clear channel and will bless you in wonderful ways.
A Little Humor…
Sociologists say that going to the movies is a bonding experience. It probably has something to do with the way your shoes stick to the floor. – Bob Orben
Recently married, my wife and I were doing errands and discussing current events. Soon we got into an argument over the issue. I reiterated my position forcefully, but Christine had the last word. “When I had found Mr. Right,” she snapped, “I had no idea his first name was Always!” – Paul Kessler
In the Mail …
‘Like a Miracle! – Just as we were about to lose our home because we had not been able to keep up with the payments, we were given more than enough money to get caught up and enough for other pressing bills. I have found a good job that I like very much and my wife has received a promotion at her job that pays her more money. It’s like a miracle, and we are so thankful, especially for your prayers. We have decided to begin to tithe and are sending to you, our first tithe. It’s a little scary, but not having enough money is scarier. Now we know we can depend upon God to provide for us since He is now our Prosperity Partner. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry. – B. H. in Michigan
Bytes of Wisdom …
All the “breaks” you need in life wait within your imagination. Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind-energy into accomplishment and wealth. – Napoleon Hill
Do you wish for kindness? Be kind. Do you ask for truth? Be true. What you give of yourself you find; Your world is a reflex of you. – James Allen
The land of opportunity Is anywhere we chance to be. Just any place where people live And need the help we can give. – Nina Stiles
There is a wealth of helpful, inspiring information on our Websites: www.GoldenKeyMinistry.com www.MoreProsperityForYou.com, www.LiveLifeLovingly.org, www.AliveandHealthyNow.info. Visit now and invite your friends to visit, too.