A Personal Message from Rev. John

In October 1973, while meditating in the peaceful setting of Unity Village, the home of Unity School of Practical Christianity, I was inspired with the idea and guidance for creating Golden Key Ministry-Unity. It was God’s answer to my quest for a way to be of real spiritual help to more people. A year later this ministry came into being. Using my old Royal typewriter, I produced my first newsletter and sent it to every friend I thought would be interested. Today, GoldenKeyMinistry.com is the world’s largest Online provider of spiritual food to nourish your soul. Be sure and see the numerous articles menu.
Earlier, The Golden Key by Emmet Fox, the powerful scientific prayer way of solving problems, was presented to me and I was amazed at its effectiveness when I used it myself. Ever since then, it’s been my desire to inspire people to Turn The Golden Key: “Turn away from the problem and turn to God.” It is simple, but works amazingly well in any challenging situation or relationship.
To help you turn The Golden Key, I have produced a free brochure called, “The Golden Keyer’s Guide to Peace of Mind, Health, Wealth and Happiness.” Click to order The Golden Key with The Golden Keyer’s Guide.
Early on, I discovered my gift of letter writing, and I still love to write personal letters in answer to requests for spiritual guidance. The Internet dramatically changed things, and a growing number of people are visiting our website. More people are requesting prayer help and counsel by e-mail. We lovingly respond to everyone.
Working with me in prayer, are my highly qualified and dedicated Prayer Partners. We lovingly spiritually support all who ask. From the many letters, expressions of appreciation, and the positive results, it is rewarding to know we are doing good work – God’s work – prayers are being answered, and lives are being changed, healed, uplifted, and prospered.
I am grateful for the way this ministry has grown and people know they can depend on it. Now, through our prayer ministry, my three monthly e-Newsletters, this ministry is reaching even more people with its healing, enlightening and prospering message. To subscribe to my e-Newsletters click here.
A long time ago, I realized the power and efficacy of Love, and made it the cornerstone of my life and ministry. Love is the power that makes everything work better. Our love for God, Truth, and people like you, is a golden thread finely woven into the fabric of Golden Key Ministry-Unity, causing it to be a positive influence in people’s lives and in the world, and to inspire everyone to Live Life Lovingly.
Thank you for visiting this website. There are hundreds of pages of positive help and inspiration on this site. I love my work. We are here to love you, pray with you and support you in your upward quest, and to help you in whatever way we may. How may we help and support you? How may we serve you? Kindly accept my personal invitation and let us hear from you. In any way this ministry may be of loving service to you, please do not hesitate to ask.
God is blessing you! Expect something wonderful to happen!
Rev. John W. Adams