The Golden Key concept was created by Dr. Emmet Fox
Dr. Emmet Fox, one of the most enlightened souls of the twentieth century, created this simple but powerful tool for not only eliminating problems but for practicing the presence of God.
If you have been searching for the key to peace of mind, health, happiness, true prosperity, The Golden Key is it!
Thousands of people are familiar with The Golden Key. Sometimes, I hear from someone who asks for a new copy of The Golden Key because the one they have is worn out from use. Others ask for copies to give to friends.
Ask yourself these questions: “Would I rather keep a problem, or be free?” “Am I willing to learn something new?” Am I willing to accept a different, better result?”
The Golden Key is Scientific Prayer
The Golden Key is Scientific Prayer, which as Emmet Fox explains, will get you out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. Turning The Golden Key is simple in that you turn away from the problem and turn to God. When you do, you are amazed at how your mind clears and things work out more easily and better than you thought possible.

Many years ago, I was introduced to The Golden Key by Dr. Emma Smiley, who was minister of the Victoria Truth Centre in Victoria, B.C. She convinced me that it is the real key to peace of mind, health, wealth and happiness because it teaches Golden Keyer’s to practice the presence of God instead of practicing the presence of problems. It is amazing how effective this is. The secret, of course, is in turning The Golden Key, and to keep on turning it.
Sometimes, people miss the value of The Golden Key because they do not see how something so simple can be effective given the magnitude of their problem. However, I assure you that The Golden Key is the most powerful spiritual tool you will ever find. Prove it for yourself and you’ll be happy you did. – Rev. John W. Adams
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