How to practice Right Thinking for your health and prosperity.
What to Do About Problems!
A simple solution to your problems. Stop struggling and worrying and think of God. God in you is Infinite Life, Love, Peace, Power, Wisdom, Intelligence and Absolute Good.
HEALTH Your Divine Birthright
Health, real health, is from within and does not have to manufactured from without. Plus are you putting off your most prosperous life?
The Way of Love
Love, the way to have your heart’s desire. And “Trusting God” by Rev. Tina Brown.
Miracle Month Is Here
Want to create a miracle, start with love. Love is a great miracle-working power. Pray for an understanding of love and meditate on it daily.
Healing of the “Whole Self”
From Rev. TIna Brown, how to experience good health and take care of your Whole being. Plus, Your Prospering Power, words from James E Melton
It Is an Inside Job
How to live a positive, successful life — It is an inside job. You need to create within yourself, the consciousness of positive, success ideas, plus feel the joy of success.
The Spiritual Key to Health & Healing
The golden key to health and wholeness and healing, is to identify with, claim, and affirm your oneness with all that God is while wisely refraining from anything less than the perfection we are as Pneuma.