The way to claim your good is to go directly to God, the source, in prayer and ask (affirm) for what you desire. Mentally immerse your consciousness in the vast, unlimited universal riches available to you.
Express Your Gratitude
Express Your Gratitude. you have many things to be thankful for including people. You are richly blessed with loving, helpful people for whom you are deeply grateful. Do your very best to let them know it.
The Power of Gratitude
Tips on how to gain more success, peace and prosperity.
Make a Gratitude List
Gratitude is Love in expression. Gratitude causes you to live closer to God, the Source of all your good. The more grateful you are toward God, the easier and faster it is for you to prosper, and you are happier and healthier, too. The truth is, your whole life is easier, more harmonious, and beautiful.
The Power of Praise and Thanksgiving
Give thanks. Declare with feeling: Thank You, God, I am grateful! Remember that praise and thanksgiving are the most powerful prayers of all. The Truth is there is nothing but the Power and Presence of God; that a seemingly problem is not real, only God is real and God is Absolute, Perfect Good.
Love: Your Great Success Power
Divine Love: Your Great Success Power. Experimented with the power of love, discover how divine love was powerful to solve personal and business problems. Affirmation:Divine Love is doing its perfect work in me and through me now.”
Your Golden Gate of Paradise
The Imperative Thing for Life, Freedom and Peace, Is Love. Love is life. Love is all there is.
Love Your Way to Success
Divine Love is the real answer to every problem or difficulty regardless of its size, complexity or how hopeless it may appear. This is because Divine Love is the highest frequency of the Law of Attraction. It dispels fear, opens doors, and works miracles. When you vibrate with Divine Love, you are an irresistible magnet for God’s richest good.