Books by John Wolcott Adams
Attention International Friends: You may be especially interested to know some of Rev. John’s books are available as digital ebooks. Digital ebooks for a variety of devices such as the iPhone, iPad, Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader or Barnes & Noble Nook, etc.
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You are welcome to place a mail-order by sending your check or money order to Golden Key Ministry-Unity, P O Box 30989, Phoenix, AZ 85046.
If you are purchasing a book or books for someone else and would like for Rev. John to ship them directly to your friend, please send an e-mail to him including the books you are ordering and the address to which the book(s) should be sent.
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BE What You Are: LOVE
— gives you the Golden Key to being free from fear, to make your life wonderfully worthwhile and your dreams come true. You will learn how to put the greatest thing in the world to work in your life for real health, happiness, peace, prosperity, and miracles! This inspiring book will lift your spirits, give you abundant peace of mind, and add to world peace. It puts real substance under your quest to LLL: Live Life Lovingly and BE What You Are: LOVE!
Divine Love Plan
— is a Love-Powered, Life-changing book. It contains 52 weekly Divine Love Inspira-tions for creating a life of Love, Health, Happi-ness, Peace and Prosperity. Divine Love is the highest frequency of the Law of Attraction. The intention of this book is to empower you to be fully centered in Divine Love so that your heart’s desires are more easily fulfilled. Read more about Divine Love Plan
How I CAN Have Everything!
— a dynamic life-changing book by John Wolcott Adams, with true stories and a very practical ideal. Click the link below to read more about this book. In the US, order your paperback copy of How I Can Have Everything! for the special website price: USA only $11.00 USA Only For a limited time only $8.00
Read more about How I Can Have Everything

How to Have “Unexpected” Income!
— Are you looking for a way to have more money? This very popular and practical book gives you usable ideas which you can put to work now to increase your prosperity. It is the culmination of many years of helping thousands of people to prosper through learning How To Have ‘Unexpected’ Income. As it has worked for so many others, it will work for you. It will help you have many happy financial “surprises,” too! A truly fun way to prosper! Read the Introduction to the newly re-published edition of How to Have ‘Unexpected’ Income! by Rev. John.
Now Power
— NOW, at last, an easy, practical book for simply living in the now! And you will as you let this book teach you to use your NOW Power! This is a thought, consciousness, and life-changing book. It will cause you to change the way you think about yourself and your life and empower you to fully live NOW. Click here to read the Introduction to this powerful book and for more details and a “special website offer” when you purchase, NOW Power Now! Read more about Now Power.
Positive Prayer
— is a Power Book. It gives you the power of Positive Prayer. Coupled with your dynamic I AM, positive prayer mystically invokes the Law of Attraction to establish your heart’s desires in your life. As you apply the teaching of this book as instructed, and use the Positive Prayers (Affirmations), you experience positive changes in your thinking and in your life. This book helps you to focus on God, the source of all your good, and the Power to make your life beautiful in every respect. SAVE USA ONLY: $15.95 $10.00
** Now you can download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet, or computer – no Kindle device required.
Positively Alive!
— gives you inspiration, ideas and guidance for happy, healthy, wealthy, peaceful and positive living. In its 40 chapters, you will find just what you need for all of life’s daily challenges. It will lift your faith and give you power for living more creatively, lovingly, successfully and prosperously. Positively Alive! helps you to really enjoy being positively alive! Read the Introduction and the 1st Chapter of Positively Alive Order Now! One personally signed copy of Positively Alive! for $9.95
Power Words for Prosperous Living!
— another prospering and popular book that teaches you a very positive, affirmative way of life. It helps you to eliminate negatives and to enjoy success and prosperity without the usual struggle and strain. And, it gives you “Golden Keys” to true happiness, good health, peace, success, and prosperous living! Included in the book are over 200 powerful prosperity affirmations.
Order Now! One copy of Power Words for Prosperous Living! for $7.95 USA!
— 100+ Dynamic Inspirations and Prosperity Prayers to help you claim the millions that are yours by Divine right. This book is packed with prospering energy to help you in your quest to live a more abundant life. On each page are ideas to prosperize your life on every level. Daily read and contemplate each dayʼs Inspiration. Affirm the Prosperity Prayer for the day, several times. Although the daily Inspirations may appear short and simple, do not under-estimate their power. PRO$PER NOW! is the Law of Attraction in prosperous action… your Golden Key to the ʻtreasure chestʼ of infinite riches within you. Click here for more details and a “special website offer” when you purchase, Pro$per Now! – The Book! Order your personally signed copy of Pro$per Now! for $14.95. Special website price: $13.00
The Secret of Multiplied Money
— Would you like to learn how to multiply your money and expand your prosperity? You will when you learn The Secret of Multiplied Money. This great prosperity book reveals a powerful and proven practice, and when you do as instructed, you will multiply your money tenfold! It teaches you to use money as seed, the secret of how many of the world’s wealthiest people got that way. (learn more)
Buy The Secret of Multiplied Money now! Learn and enjoy real financial abundance!
Thirty Days to a Better Life
— This is a little book with a powerful message specifically designed to change your life. It is your guide for achieving what is really important to you. It helps you weed out and eliminate unessentials, and to focus the great energy of your thinking on what you really want – and helps you get it! It will help make your dreams come true. Order Now! One personally signed copy of Thirty Days to a Better Life for $4.95 – US Postage is free! ALL other countries ADD 40% of the total for Shipping & Handling!
I Am God’s Millionaire
— A Million Dollar Bill — This is a 10″ X 17″ poster, beautifully designed by Rev. John. It contains several very prospering affirmations that declare the truth about you and your prosperity. Place your photo in the middle of the bill and make it personal. This is a very popular and powerfully prospering item. – Only $4.00 each. Additional Bills on the same order, only $1.00 each. To add more, change the quantity on your Check Out page. Order and give to friends.

A Free Gift for You
The Golden Key by Emmet Fox —
a practical guide to getting out of trouble. The Golden Key opens your door to your health, happiness, peace & prosperity.
Plus, you will receive FREE, Rev. John’s very helpful Golden Keyer’s Guide!
What The Golden Key will do for you:
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The Golden Keyer’s Guide is a wonderful aid in turning The Golden Key. It helps you create a new thought pattern that produces peace of mind, health, harmony, happiness, and prosperity.
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Read The Golden Key several times. Do exactly as it says, and if you are persistent, you will overcome any difficulty. Allow The Golden Key be the means of opening your door to health, freedom, peace, and knowing God. – Emmet Fox
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