People are praising the “Seed Money Principle!”
Why? Because it works!
Quick return from Seed Money! – Soon after I read your Seed Money article, I decided to give $7.00 as seed money, and declared several times, “I have received tenfold in return with good to all concerned. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!” When I returned home from the Post Office, the state income tax check of $68.00 was here. My husband said I could have all of it. I am so grateful! – E. L., Illinois
Seed Money brings extra income! – I cannot believe this is coincidence but since I have begun seeding money, and making my claim, each member of my family has benefited. My son was due for a raise and it came through. A man was unable to work and my husband was asked to work an extra shift which meant overtime pay. My mother received an increase in her retirement check; and I, much to my amazement, received a notice informing me that I am eligible for extended benefits. Thank You, God, for Seed Money! – M. E., Louisiana
Seed Money works for her and more! – I planted $45.00 Seed Money on two days and about three weeks later, I received $450.00 payment for an extra typing job for someone. My life is going just great. My outlook and attitude are much improved and I have been experiencing many miracles. Thank you for sharing the Seed Money idea with me! – I. M., Minnesota
Seed Money brings more than tenfold! – I have been taken to breakfast six times this week, was given a theatre ticket, and I received a check for $791.00. This was in addition to a $200.00 check I had received earlier in the month. My earnings for the past month have been super! These are all significant and yet they are far more than ten times the money I planted as seed. When I give tips, or give money for whatever purpose, person or need and stake my claim for tenfold return, it comes to me multiplied! Money has become my friend. Here is my grateful tithe! – L. P., California
Bills paid because of Seed Money Practice! – Thank you for the great article on Seed Money! I have started to have an overflowing abundance of good things in my life. I am receiving my tenfold return. I’ve been planting money daily and it is amazing how more money has been coming to me. I was always behind in my bills but now I am caught up and even paying some bills ahead of time! Thanks again. Seed Money opened my eyes! – R. G., California
Receives $50.00 in Seed Money Return! – Right after I planted my first $5.00 in Seed Money, I received $50.00 for a small service I did for a friend. I am expecting more tenfold return as I continue practicing Seed Money. – N. P., Pennsylvania
Business is Good! – God is blessing me and my business. I started working in my home, selling cosmetics. My customers have been coming here to pick up their orders. I am truly blessed in all areas of my life as I continue practicing Seed Money. It works so well, and I am grateful! Thank you! – A. T., Washington
Receives extra work! – I started my Seed Money practice two weeks ago, and just a few days later, I received my tenfold return. I work for a delivery company and received an extra trip which gave me more income. – G. M., Michigan
Seed Money helps! – After planting my first $4.00 in Seed Money, declaring the statement claiming my tenfold return, over and over, the very next day I received in the mail, a check from my insurance company for $48.00. This was for a refund on a premium I had paid. I was delighted to see this principle work so quickly. I am a believer! – F. H., California
Quick results from Seed Money – I am happy to report that after planting only a few dollar and using the tenfold formula statement, I received one check for $120.00, one for $50.00, an unexpected book order for $40.00, plus other money sent to me. Also, the financial lack that had plagued me for a long time is finally showing signs of early departure. I am so grateful! – J. A., Arizona
More testimonials like these are coming in from grateful people who have realized the great value of practicing the Seed Money Principle, and are putting it work.

Copyright © 2004 – John W. Adams. Golden Key Ministry – Unity is a worldwide online prayer ministry, dedicated to healing and prospering all people. Rev. John W. Adams is an ordained Unity Minister. He has dedicated his life to helping people live the healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous lives they are meant to live. Permission to reprint this article is granted provided the article is reprinted with no editing and the copyright notice is included.