– Part 1 of 2 –
By Rev. John W. Adams
We do not tithe to reap increase but to prove our belief that God is adequate.
– Emma Smiley
Let’s assume you have the possibility of receiving a large amount of money. You are told that you must complete a list of the first five things you would do with the gift and that your list will determine if you receive the funds. You have forty days to determine what you will do. (Hint: The first thing you must do with the money is the same whether the gift is one dollar or one million dollars.)
It is possible you will see the first thing you must do with your gift on a car bumper sticker, “If you love Jesus, tithe; anyone can honk.” Tithing makes prosperity’s demonstration a way of life; however, humanity has a narrow view of tithing. Most people believe it is giving 10% of their income to a church or spiritually based institution.
In the Old Testament, there are numerous references to tithing. We will examine some of them. However, when tithing came into being there was no church. In fact the financial system was based on barter, not money.
The confusion about tithing increases when you discover that Jesus did not talk about it although He did refer to it. There are several references to tithing in The Gospels, and both times Jesus is speaking to the religious leaders who tithe, but who have forgotten the heart of this spiritual practice.
Jesus did teach tithing, of course. In fact, it was the heart of his ministry, but he did not teach tithing as it is generally taught todaygiving 10% of your income to the church.
From the mystical standpoint, tithing is a consciousness of God first. This means to put God first in everything beginning with your thought. Too often people do not give the highest priority to God and then wonder why God seems to neglect them. If you would have true abundance in consciousness and in life, it is essential to put God first. Why is that so? God is Love. Love is the greatest success power there is. – With love, Rev. John
(The above is adapted from, “Even Mystics Have Bills to Pay” by Jim Rosemergy)
One of the most scientific, businesslike, and spiritual ways of sharing is through the act of tithing one-tenth of one’s gross income to God’s work. Systematic giving opens the way to systematic receiving. – Catherine Ponder
Thankful Readers Write. . .
Labor of love brings $$$! I have been spending quite a lot of time with my brother and sister who have been ill. I did not want any money for this labor of love but my brother insisted that I accept $200 for gas money.. I live about a hundred miles from them and have stayed several days at a time. Thanks for your prayers. – A. G., California
Prayers bring work! Thank you for your prayers to help me secure work opportunities. I received several calls and have enough work to last for several months. Enclosed is my tithe in support of your wonderful ministry. – G. N., Vermont

The Prosperity Law of Putting God First – Part 2
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Copyright © 2012 – John W. Adams, Golden Key Ministry. All rights reserved. – Unity is a worldwide online prayer ministry, dedicated to healing and prospering all people. Rev. John W. Adams is an ordained Unity Minister. He has dedicated his life to helping people live the healthy, happy, peaceful and prosperous lives they are meant to live. Permission to reprint this article is granted provided the article is reprinted with no editing and the copyright notice is included.