Looking for more peace in your life? The healing and prospering power of serenity.
Gratitude is Healthy!
Being thankful is practicing the presence of God. Thanksgiving is love in expression and love is the true healing power.
Tricks or Treats?
You play tricks on your body if you speak disparaging words and tell it it’s imperfect, bad, unhealthy, weak or not very good, and feed it dead, unhealthy, disagreeable food. If you’ve been playing “tricks” on yourself in relation to your prosperity, now is the time to change and Treat it differently.
Affirm Health!
“I am” is your “handle of power” by which you shape your life. It is your golden key to radiant health. As with health, you are wise to use your “I am” positively in relation to prosperity.
Health is Natural!
One of the great miracles of life is the healing, renewing, rebuilding ability of the cells. The body is biased on the side of healing. We have been altogether too complacent about our illnesses, and all too timid about accepting the truth of our wholeness. Health is the normal condition of man; sickness and deterioration […]
Know the Truth #2
Eric Butterworth wrote in In the Flow of Life, “You are a child of the universe. You do not walk your path of life alone. The whole universe walks with you. It is dramatically involved in you. Its dynamic flow is ever expressing as you. Thus health is not something you can “get” physically, in […]
Know the Truth
Whenever you are given a diagnosis by a medical professional, it is important to know the Truth regardless of what you are told. By Truth I mean, that which is true spiritually. A diagnosis is usually based on facts, however, facts may change. Spiritual Truth never changes. Example: Let’s say that you were diagnosed as […]
Accept Your Perfection Now!
Frances Foulks, wrote: “The Mystical way of life everlasting involves the body as well as the soul. In following our old way of thinking we gave much attention to prayer for the saving of the soul but the body received only desultory spiritual attention, and that when it was under bondage to disease. Even then […]