Always, you live, move and have your being in God, therefore, you live, move and have your being in Exhaustless Health and Wealth.
How to Hasten Your Healing
How to Hasten Your Healing and Quicken Your Prosperity
Keep It Positive
Is your body and prosperity bearing the brunt of your negative thoughts beliefs, and feelings? How to watch your “self talk”
WORRY Is a Big Cause of Ill-health
WORRY is a cause of ill-health. Worry is caused by fear. It is an endless circle beginning and ending in the same place. Replace fear with love and kindness to help healing begin.
Love Is Mighty Healing Energy
God is infinite everything. He is within you right now as infinite love, wisdom, life, substance, peace and power.
Your Words Matter to Your Health
For Your Health and Prosperity, Listen! Pay Attention!
HEALTH Your Divine Birthright
Health, real health, is from within and does not have to manufactured from without. Plus are you putting off your most prosperous life?
Healing of the “Whole Self”
From Rev. TIna Brown, how to experience good health and take care of your Whole being. Plus, Your Prospering Power, words from James E Melton