Believe You Are Here to Be Abundantly Prosperous
By Rev. John W. Adams

Begin this year right, accept that you are here to be abundantly prosperous. If you have believed otherwise, update your thinking. With the old year, which is now history, release and let go of any old beliefs about living in lack; having to work hard for what you get, or you must put up with what Life doles out to you. As a child of God, claim your divine inheritance. It is divinely right for you to prosper.
‘To live prosperously means having plenty of everything: Love, Peace, Health, Joy, Energy, Substance, and Money.’luj
Emmet Fox wrote: “You can get all the money you want for any wise purpose through treatment [scientific prayer]. There is no need for anyone who knows how to treat to be in money difficulties. But you must treat. As in all other cases there is no substitute for treatment. Merely talking about treatment, or vague dreaming or pious resolutions will get you nowhere. Treat, and lack must go!
“The first thing necessary, is that you be genuinely convinced that it is the Divine Will for you to have all that you need. If you have any lingering doubts on this point, it will be difficult for you to demonstrate, and in that case, you must begin by treating for wisdom.”
Treat (pray scientifically) by declaring positive statements of Truth, such as this: I give thanks that every day in every way, I am growing richer and richer. You will empower yourself to live your most prosperous life NOW.
Remember: Giving is a vital part of receiving. To RECEIVE freely and generously, lovingly GIVE freely and generously.
😁 – Lovingly, Rev. John
Soul Health – How to Nourish Your Soul
By Rev. Michelle M. Abraham
Every new year some of us want to make a “New Year’s Resolution” on how we want better health, a new position or job, buying a home or a new car, or how we want to be more prosperous in our lives. We start off with good intensions, we right our goals down, and then we jump into making them happen. Sometimes we find it was the best decision we made or we find out how challenging it is or even defeating for us. The key is not to give up and stay focused on what is the end result we want to achieve
The same thing applies to nourishing our spiritual selves. It is always in our best interest to first embrace God in silence, ask for what we desire, and quietly listen for the answer. The answer might not happen the first time in the silence. So, we continue each day in prayer and meditation asking for what is in our best and highest good, knowing it will be revealed to us at the right and perfect time. Doing this is feeding our souls in the healthiest way possible. God first and the rest will follow.
Recently, after over a decade of back issues and continued prayer and meditation, I decided my new goal for 2023 is for my body to no longer be in pain and to have surgery. The day of my surgery, I was speaking with the surgeon before they took me into surgery. I asked him how he was doing, did he sleep well, and had he’d eaten since it was 2:30pm. He looked up from his notes, smiled and said, “Thank you for asking, I am good, well rested, and have nourished my body”. This was me taking care of myself. I was feeding my soul with the assurance he was ready to help me.
Now, my recovery depends on me embracing God in me through prayer and meditation, following the instructions from the surgeon on healing, and being kind to myself when it is not going how I “think” it should.
Let us all be reminded, when we nourish our souls first, everything and anything is already supplied to us!
He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. – Psalm 23:3
Lovingly, Rev. Michelle
Prosperity Prayer
Each and every day my life is getting better and better and I am abundantly blessed!