It is actually in Divine Order that you live an abundant life
An interesting observation is that some people who are not interested in praying for or focusing on money, get all excited when they or a friend receive a large amount of it. There seems to a paradox in their behavior pattern. While it is more important to focus primarily on the Source, it is okay to pray for money if you need money, and to include money when you desire or pray for abundance. But don’t be double-minded about it. When you need more money, do not be shy about opening your mind to the Universe and letting it know your desires. It loves it when you are honest and clear.
Emmet Fox wrote, “Now we come to the question of money, or supply. The first thing that you have to know is why you should treat (pray) for money at all, and why it is right to want to be prosperous, because up to the present this has not been a part of orthodox religion. We have been accustomed to think that although we ought to pray for help in times of temptation, and when we are ill, we ought not to pray for money unless we are in dire straits.
“The truth is that, instead of waiting for an emergency to arise, it is much more sensible to treat regularly for supply (money) so that hard times may never come, and that is what you must do.”
It is actually in Divine Order that you live the more abundant life that Jesus said you should live. To live less than the more abundant life is not in the divine plan for your life. One of the things to pay special attention to is to stop telling yourself that Universal supply is limited, at least as far as yours is concerned. The Truth is, you are meant to have an abundance of all the good God has for you, and everyone.
Emmet Fox further wrote: “God provides everything in abundance and so has provided abundance for you. But what is abundance? Abundance means that you have such an amount of money in your possession that you never have to think about money. That is abundance, and nothing less, and nothing more than that can be called abundance.”
Catherine Ponder said that money is divine, that it is spiritual. It is good to remember this if you need or want more money flowing through your life, and to pray for money to flow more abundantly for you. Do not be shy about asking others to pray with you, especially those who are good spiritual channels such as this ministry, about having more money. Accept that money is good, that it is good for you to have an abundance of money, and that it is God’s desire for you to be abundantly supplied, including money. The Truth is, money is God’s good green energy! It is the same energy that we know as Love. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Affirm and know: Money is Good. Money is God’s good green energy! It is good for money to flow abundantly through my life. God is the source of my supply. Thank You, God, for Your Wealth now manifesting in my life as plenty of money. I now gratefully accept the abundance that is mine today. And, so it is!
A Good Healthy Practice!
You have every right, as a child of God, to claim your heritage of perfect health. It is a healthier practice than putting up with less than the best. When God created you, He endowed you with everything necessary to run and maintain your body. The good news is that God is still present in every cell of your body as innate perfection.
It is interesting to note that some people seemingly work hard to cause their bodies to malfunction, to operate at a low energy vibration. They do so by thinking and telling their bodies how “bad they are,” and believing that they are more inclined toward being ill than being well. They also use their “I AM” wrongly such as “I AM weak,” “I AM getting a cold,” or “I AM probably getting what ‘they have’.”
The right use of your “I AM” is to claim and accept, “I AM strong, healthy and well.” “I AM Strength, Vitality, Perfection.” Do this in the face of any appearance to the contrary. As a child of God, you have every right to do so.
In case you haven’t noticed, the whole Universe works continually to give you what you claim, either less or the best. Instead of putting up with less than perfect health, claim your perfection as a dynamic and whole spiritual being. The Universe really wants you to do that and will happily oblige you.
Affirm often: I AM a Spiritual Being. I AM Happy, Healthy, Perfect, and Alive now and always! Thank You, God, I am grateful! – Enjoy! – Lovingly, Rev. John
Affirm often: The cleansing waters of the Christ life now dissolve and wash away all accretions of false thoughts and conditions, and I am made new in both mind and body.
Let all that you do be done in love. – 1 Corinthians 16:14
In the Mail …
Health Improves! – I am sending my grateful tithe on some ‘unexpected’ income I received. I also want to thank you for your prayer support concerning a health challenge. I’ve been working with the ideas you sent to me. Since I last wrote to you, I am doing very much better. My doctor is pleased and a little puzzled at my quick improvement, but you and I know. I am so grateful for your wonderful prayer ministry and your personal help. Love and blessings. – S. B. in California
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes …
Train yourself to feel saturated with the Wealth of the Universe. Revel in the sense of infinite wealth that flows toward you, surrounds you, fills you. – E.V. Ingraham
You are a child of the Universe. You do not walk your path of life alone. The whole Universe walks with you. Its dynamic flow is ever expressing as you. – Eric Butterworth
While it is obvious that a good-feeling body makes for a more pleasant physical experience, we want you to understand that finding pleasant things to focus upon also makes a good-feeling body. – Esther Hicks