God’s Provision for You Is Constantly Abundant
By Rev. John W. Adams
Ever since the beginning of this ministry, our main purpose has been to prayerfully help those who come us with Truth ideas of the abundant way of life as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ. A very important example of this was when his disciples, who had fished unsuccessfully all night, were told to let their nets down on the right side of the boat. When they did, they caught so many fish they experienced great difficulty hauling them on board the boat.
This story perfectly demonstrates the abundance God gives to us when we do the right things. It teaches us that when there may be financial challenges, or our efforts are not fruitful, to allow the Christ in us to guide us in making more prosperous decisions. For instance: When a fellow, who was struggling, financially, was guided to faithfully tithe, he soon began to prosper. Thankfully, he remembered that prosperity is really about giving.
When you faithfully tithe, you “prime the pump” so-to-speak. The Universe naturally and abundantly responds, and you naturally and abundantly receive. It’s a really good deal! You give 10%, but God always gives you 100%. 😊 It’s simple! WHEN YOU TITHE YOU THRIVE!
Regardless the apparent condition of the economy. God’s provision for you is constantly abundant. Our prayers are continually with you. GRATEFULLY CLAIM YOUR PROSPERITY NOW!

To help everybody prosper, we are giving away PROSPERITY CLAIM CHECKS. We’ll send one to you when you ask and give us your name and physical mailing address. Do it NOW!
😁 – Lovingly, Rev. John
Loving All of You!

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to love and be loved. During Lent season we are offered a time to concentrate on the love we want to receive and the love we want to give. We can become aware on a deeper level how we feel when we give and receive love.
As we recognize our conscious level of love, we are able to eliminate the thoughts and feelings that are based in fears or resentments. We do this by remembering there is only one true kind of love, Divine Love. Divine Love doesn’t know anything but peace, happiness, abundance, and kindness. Divine Love is God presence in us.
This Lent season, I have been focused on being Love in all areas of my life. I’d like to say it has been easy but that wouldn’t be telling you the truth. Truth is, the only time it has given me a challenge is when I try to control the outcome of letting go. For me, letting go is what I do when I become aware on a deeper level the discomfort I am experiencing in my life. Not always, but sometimes I try and control how I let go instead of turning all my fears and concerns over to God, no matter how many times it takes. When I do, I am saying yes to Love in my life.
During this Lent season, I invite us to take the time to dive deeper into our thoughts and become more aware of our words. If we find we are happy with them, fabulous! And if not, give ourselves permission to feel better about our lives and let go, let God. We are then embracing the Love we are and are able share that Love with others!
😁 – Lovingly, Rev. Michelle