Put Love First
We are all children of God and deserve to experience the sense of being a part of something greater than ourselves and to feel it as well. To sense and feel the gratitude for all the good the day will bring us, the love in us, the ability to share that love, as well as, the grace, health, and wealth we have in our lives.
How do we go about doing this? We awaken each day, go into prayer and meditation and relax in knowing the glories that God has intended for us. In our conversations with God, we get quiet to feel the presence of Love in ourselves and in the lives of others.
We affirm and know God does not discriminate, for God only knows Love. God doesn’t need to forgive us, for God only knows Good.
We acknowledge our health and wealth within us, for we are whole and abundantly blessed now!
Even as a spiritual being who has done the work and continues to do what is needed to feel and be more loving, I have found that my “thinking” can get in my way of being the amazingly beautiful child of God I am. When I over sleep or under sleep, before I start my day, I sometimes forget to be thankful for the day in front of me. God doesn’t put a time limit on when to be thankful, but experience has shown me that when I put God first, everything good follows. This doesn’t mean I won’t have a “challenging” moment or day, it just means I will remember to put God’s Love first and I will be stronger than any challenges are before me.
We are beautiful spiritual beings living and experiencing life in a loving, kind, peaceful, and healthy way through prayer and meditation.
😁 – Lovingly, Rev. Michelle
Partner for Success
Someone who starts a new business or begins a new job, is sometimes faced with the challenge of having enough cash on hand to keep going until money begins to come in. A supremely wealthy intelligent friendly partner could be of immense help and take a load of worry off one’s mind.
What would it be worth to you to have such a Partner? Especially one with unlimited resources and who would give you sure guidance to guarantee your success and prosperity? Wouldn’t you be grateful to have such a Partner? Although your Partner gives freely and abundantly to you, your Partner doesn’t ask for anything in return. Wouldn’t you want to put your Partner first in your life and gratefully share a small percentage of your expanding wealth with your Partner?
When I first moved to the Phoenix area, I had the good fortune to meet a young chiropractor and his wife, who had just opened their practice. I became a patient, we ultimately became good friends, and they were very supportive of my ministry. They loved Unity and used Unity principles. They learned the value of putting God first, to take God as a full Partner and to give 1o%, right off the top, of all they received. It was wonderful to watch them become very successful, prosperous and happy!
You, too, will be very happy, successful, and prosperous when you take God as your Partner and thankfully share with just 10% of your increasing prosperity. Tithing is smart business sense that is backed up by Love. Go for it with all your heart!
Affirmative Prayers to Help You Prosper
Rather than strain and strive, I Tithe and Thrive! I freely give my tenth to God and God gives to me a hundredfold.
😁 – Lovingly, Rev. John
In the Mail
I’m so glad I bought, How to Have ‘Unexpected’ Income. I was walking in the rain when a friend I had not seen for several months drove by and blew her horn. I jumped into her car only to learn that she was extremely upset because she had just lost $750.
After I recited “words of wisdom” and affirmations to her (God is good and only good; I can hardly wait to see what good is coming from this . . .) she felt better but was still depressed. Then it occurred to her to look under the seat of her car – and there it was – her wallet with the missing $750!
She realized during our conversation that she had not been tithing in the correct way. She gave me $35 out of appreciation which I happily accepted. After I left her, I realized I had received ‘Unexpected’ Income. What a blessing! I am continuing to use your book and wanted to express my thanks for the sharing of your words of wisdom. Kindly accept my tithe in appreciation of your ministry. – Maryland