Health is fundamental in Being and is man’s divine birthright. To be healthy is natural, which means that being unhealthy is not natural. Health is the normal condition of man and all of creation.
Real health is from within and does not have to manufactured from outside. You make your health through the thoughts, words and ideas you entertain in your mind. Therefore, you are wise to think only on what is true and perfect. This means to refrain from thinking on “sick” ideas and to remove them from your thinking, completely. Focus on ideas of health and well-being.
Affirm life and wholeness. Accept yourself as the perfect child of God that you are. Sometimes it is believed that you “inherited” some dis-ease from your mother, father or grandparents. The Truth is, you do not inherit sickness. You are a spiritual being made in the likeness of God. In other words, you are inherently perfect.
If some form of imperfection tries to inhabit your body, quickly and emphatically deny it a home, and declare that you are whole and perfect as God created you to be. Made from that which God is, Love, you can in no way be anything but perfect. Affirm: I am all that God is, perfect life, love, wisdom, substance and all-good. I am healthy and whole all the time! – Lovingly, Rev. John
– I Corinthians 6:19
How to Go Forward
You wouldn’t think of trying to drive your car forward with the gear shift in the reverse position. Neither would you try g0 forward with it in neutral. Yet, this is what some people do when trying to prosper. It is amazing that some, otherwise intelligence people while trying to prosper, will think, talk and act oppositely to the prosperity they say they want.
One of the best things you can do to prosper is to entertain prospering ideas in your mind. Ideas are your true prosperity and you must have them in order to enjoy manifest financial abundance. Yet, some people seem to refuse to give up dwelling on negative, lack-producing thoughts and feelings. It is interesting how they spend a lot of time thinking that “things won’t work out,” or they focus on the appearance of lack and how difficult it probably will be for them to prosper. Fear and worry are big obstacles to living a truly prosperous life. They are like trying to drive forward when you have shifted into reverse. The only direction they take you in is, backward.
The wise thing to do is to release and let go of seeming negative appearances and refuse to any longer entertain in your mind, un-prospering ideas, or give into to anger, unforgiveness, or resentment.
Give more time to quiet meditation in which you focus upon the presence of God as love, wisdom, substance, intelligence and peace. Get in tune with the Source of all wealth and invite It to fill your mind and whole being with It’s abundance of good. Gratefully accept that this is true for you now and always, which it is. Get in tune with Divine Love which is always going in the right direction. This is the way to go forward. Affirm: In tune with God’s infinite love, substance and intelligence, I now easily move forward and grateful enjoy the great good God has for me. – Rev. John
In the Mail . . .
Grateful for Prayer Support! – It is always a pleasure to hear from you with your words of encouragement. Thank you for being there. My body has responded well and I thank you for praying with me. My finances have improved, too. Enclosed is my grateful tithe. – I. R. in New York
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes
The children of wisdom look to the inner, and not to the outer, for justification. – Ernest Holmes
Losers visualize the penalties of failure. Winners visualize the rewards of success. – Rob Gilbert
You will never get out of bondage until you begin to speak words of freedom, rather than talking about the problem. – Catherine Ponder