Health Is Your Divine Birthright
As you make inner and outer adjustments in your thinking, body and spirit, your natural wholeness is expressed. You are restored to perfection on every level.
In your imagination, see yourself releasing wrong beliefs, resentments and frustrations. By doing this you are freeing your body of stress, pain and dis-ease. Imagine these emotions being divinely replaced with healing light, love and peace. Feel the perfecting energy, always within you flowing through your mind and every cell of your body.
Give thanks that healing is now taking place. Gratefully feel every cell in every part of your body now energized, perfect and whole.
A young lady who was hospitalized with a challenging illness, quietly affirmed: I am alive with the Life of God. I am healthy and whole now. Much to the mystery of the doctors, she quickly regained her health.
Accept that you really do have a healthy body; that health is your divine birthright. As you keep your thoughts on God, accepting His perfection, you claim your birthright of health and wholeness. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Whatever you ask [affirm] in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be yours. – Mark 11:24
True Prosperity
Those who direct their energy and give their attention toward prospering themselves in outer ways are often disappointed. They often feel frustration and a lack of fulfillment even though they have everything they want, financially and materially. Anyone can demonstrate financial wealth by using the laws of prosperity.
Wealth is more than having millions in the bank as good and desirable as that is. Money is good and it is better to have more of it than not enough.
True prosperity is knowing that God is your Source and His provision for you never runs out. When you know this and make sure your prosperity is the outpicturing of your inner wealth, you are truly prospered.
A businessman did everything he thought necessary to make his business very profitable and it worked – for a while. Unfortunately, in the process he neglected his family life. Faced with the possible loss of his wife and children, he wisely changed his thinking. By accepting God as his Source and consciously working in harmony with the spiritual laws of prosperity, things changed. He made love the cornerstone of his life – business and personal – and he became happier and wealthier than before. The difference was that now he knew his prosperity was true. – Lovingly, Rev. John
Bring the whole tithe into my house that there may be food in my house and I will pour you out such blessings there will not be room enough to receive them. – Malachi 3:10
Why You Are Here
You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. You should, therefore, have all the money you need to lead a full, happy, prosperous life. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold – spiritually, mentally, and materially. Why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of the Infinite? Your desire to be rich is a desire for a fuller, happier, more wonderful life. It is a cosmic urge. – Joseph Murphy – How to Attract Money
In the Mail . . .
Daughter Improves! – Several weeks ago, I wrote and asked you to pray with me for my daughter. After you wrote, it wasn’t long before she began to function on her own. She is making very good progress and I am sure that she will soon be completely healthy again. Please continue praying with me for her. Thank you for your Newsletter. I feel that someone cares. I am enclosing a love offering. Thanks for being there. – Connecticut
Closes Largest Sale! – Thank you for your prayers. I am happy to report that I have just closed the largest real estate sale of my career. Everything went so well, I was amazed. I am sure glad I asked you to pray with me. This means I’ll be receiving a large commission check and just as soon as I do, as always, will send my tithe. Enclosed is some Seed Money. Please keep me on your prayer list. – Oregon
Healthy & Wealthy Bytes
Love cures people – both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it. – Dr. Carl Meninger
Genuine gratitude is great healing and prospering energy! – Rev. John
To love abundantly is to live abundantly, and to love forever is to live forever. – Henry Drummond
You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want. – Zig Ziglar
Health & Wealth Prayer
I am alive with the Life of God. I am healthy and whole now.
God is my source. Divinely guided,
I am truly prospered in all areas of my life.
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Rev. John’s Health & Wealth Newsletter is part of Golden Key Ministry-Unity’s dedication to help as many people as possible to be healthy, wealthy, happy, peaceful and free.
Live Life Lovingly