Special Feature! Enjoy this healthy article by Rev. Cherie Larkin
Guest Author

When Jesus healed, he did not differentiate between the kind of illness or its severity. Nor did it matter how long a person had been ill. He healed those who suddenly became sick, those who had been ill or crippled for years, and those who had been blind from birth. Distance did not matter. He healed the man’s servant who was at home just as he healed the woman who kneeled at the hem of his garment.
The Centurion recognized the power of healing life in his words when he said, “Only say the word and my servant will be healed.” He healed with physical touch when he made clay out of spit and dirt and put it on the man’s eyes. Each of his healing miracles, he said, was done not by him but by, “My Father within.”
There are many things we want to heal. Physical illnesses, habits and personal and psychological ills. If we have a condition termed “chronic” rather than thinking in terms of total healing, we more often pray to be able to live with it or to manage it successfully. We take glucosamine for joint health, use reader glasses for our eyes, and take drugs for things like high cholesterol or hyper tension.
We may understand that we can think affirmative thoughts and speak affirmative prayers to better our condition, but we may not be able to fully accept it’s possible to be totally healed. We have been conditioned to believe that our bodies are man-made rather than God-made. That they are subject to physical laws more than spiritual law. Add to this the very convincing MRI, x-ray, diagnosis, medical tests, pain and the collective belief that we are just getting older and that’s just the way it is and; a big pile of negatives stack up to work against healing.
The Truth is, true healing…your healing… does not depend on time, the nature of the disease, the severity, or duration. Nor is your healing limited by the pattern that has always seemed to run true to a particular condition.
True healing is of God. It begins the instant we return to union with the perfection in which we were created.
Isn’t it interesting that Jesus healed in the moment? He never said take two aspirin and call me in the morning. He rarely asked about symptoms: “Where does it hurt?” “How long have you had this?” “What’s your family history?”
In the Gospel of Mark 5:25-29 there’s a story of a woman who had been ill for 12 years. She had suffered many things from many physicians and had spent all she had and was no better. Having heard about Jesus, she pushed through the crowd and touched the hem of his garment and; she immediately felt herself healed.
She had tried everything and spent all she had and was no better. Maybe you’ve done that. With determination this woman pushed through the crowd of fear, doubt, desperation, and thoughts of “what if” she never gets well. She was determined to thread her way through the crowd of negativity until she was able to “take hold” of the slightest bit of healing Christ life…even just the edge or hem.
There is a spiritual principle of health, life and wholeness. It is ever present and ever available to you. Your healing does not depend on time, but on contact with this life principle. The Christ Spirit is life without beginning or end. It is pure, perfect and whole. It cannot be weakened by disease. It is powerful, ceaseless, and changeless and it is within you. And even the slightest touch with it can bring you full healing.
To be successful, as the woman was, contact with this healing life needs the “energy of your full engagement.” It’s the idea, “I in thee and thou in me that we may be perfected into one.” And isn’t it great to learn that you don’t have to grasp a total understanding of how healing works or how God heals in order to be helped? Isn’t it wonderful to realize that you don’t have to do anything to deserve healing? You only need to push through your own crowd of doubt, fear, guilt, unforgiveness to make contact with the healing Christ life and; when contact is made…even if you only touch the hem or edge of the life consciousness…it’s enough.
Here’s another great blessing. You don’t have to sit in prayer for days, weeks or years to be healed. Sometimes when we are sick we can sit in the urgency of prayer all day, but most days we feel too sick for that. It’s the energy of full engagement, not time, that brings healing.
If you ever feel that some condition is too serious or too long standing to be healed, I want to remind you that: Your healing does not depend on time, the nature of the illness, or its severity, but on your mental connection with the healing life Christ spirit in you.
Is a fully-healed body worth a few minutes of your concentrated attention? I invite you to stop giving your attention to your illness and start giving it to God. Begin today to push through the negatives despite appearances, circumstances, diagnoses and make a determined effort to make union with Spirit. For the moment you enter into the secret place of the most high and take hold of the Christ Spirit of life your healing is assured.
Affirm: God’s healing life is streaming in and through me now, restoring my body to perfect health.
About Cherie Larkin:
Cherie Larkin, America’s Wealth Innovator, is an international teacher for the advancement of prosperity. Growing up the daughter of an immigrant factory-worker father and stay-at-home mom, she created a life of abundance and is now one of the most listened-to voices for building wealth consciousness. Widely recognized for her unique and powerful interpretation of spiritual principle, Cherie has led thousands through the Spirit-awakening work proven to transform their lives from financial struggle to true abundance.
Ordained by Unity School of Christianity, Cherie served 14 years as Senior Pastor at Unity of Nashville. Cherie holds a degree in Finance from California State University, Sacramento and an MBA. She hosted “What Successful People Know” on Unity.FM. She is owner and President of Strategic Action Ministries, a spirit-based fund raising company which has raised over $10 million for Unity ministries throughout the nation. www.CherieLarkin.com – truthshoppe@gmail.com
Prosperity Improvement
If you would like to experience greater prosperity, you will find it beneficial to get, and stay, in the flow of prospering substance. Consider the following by Eric Butterworth:
“Prosperity is not just having a lot of money. [As wonderful as that is!] It is having a consciousness of the flow of substance. The true ‘prosperity consciousness’ is consistently open to the flow, attracts opportunities both to give and receive, wisely directs the use of substance, and remains free from its burden. An important guideline: if you are worried about the money you have or don’t have, you are out of the flow.”
If you entertain thoughts and feelings of “not enough,” fear, failure, worry, frustration, you step out of the flow of substance. Some people will pray “hard” and try to do all the right things, while holding on to these negative thoughts and feelings. Then they may wonder why they do not prosper, why God is not answering their prayer for prosperity. These people should understand that they close off the free flow of God-Substance by their negative mental activity. The golden key to freely flowing prospering substance is to STOP the negative mental chatter. ALLOW ONLY positive, prospering thoughts and feelings to fill their minds.
[To saturate your mind with prospering substance, read all the prosperity articles on: on this site]
A most beneficial way to continually be in the flow of prospering substance is to tithe. This is understanding and cooperating with the law of giving and receiving. It is giving ten percent of your gross income back to God through the channels through which you learn the prospering Truth.
Rev. Emma Smiley, who was a Divine Science minister, wrote:
“Tithers prosper not because tithing is magic but because they wisely provide for their spiritual food. They are fed spiritually and are thus better able to care for their physical needs.
Tithing is a sound investment. It is sowing seeds of abundance. Any good harvest is greater than the seed sown. The same quality but more quantity. Life is Growth. Sow in abundance and reap in abundance and love. Sow sparingly and reap sparingly.” – (From: The Bread of Life)
What Emma Smiley said is, when you tithe, you cooperate with the flow of prospering substance.
Get, and stay, in the flow of prospering substance. Do not ignore or dismiss what will prosper you more easily and abundantly. Gratefully and lovingly cooperate with the law of giving and receiving and enjoy the free flow of prospering substance in the form of money and all the other good in your life! Why you do, expect to prosper. Expect to live the more abundant life and act as though it is so now. – Lovingly, Rev. John
A generous person will be enriched, and one who gives water will get water. – Proverbs 11:25
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Healthy & Wealthy Bytes …
If you don’t like where you are, change what you are. – Henry Knight Miller
The events of your life are created by you and those events come to you through your feelings. – Stuart Wilde
Systematic sharing with the universe of a portion of all that the universe shares with you is the beginning of financial increase. – Catherine Ponder
The great central fact in human life, in your life and in mine, is the coming into a conscious, vital realization of our oneness with Infinite Life, and the opening ourselves fully to this divine inflow. – Ralph Waldo Trine (In Tune With the Infinite)