Declarations of Prosperity
From Rev. Cherie Larkin
Dear Friend:

Here is a Special Prayer for Prosperity, written by my dear friend and colleague, Rev. Cherie Larkin. It is sent to you with our heartfelt desire for you to experience an abundantly prosperous New Year.
Using the power of your spoken word, declare these words with feeling in the understanding that what you say is true for you now, and thankfully accept that it is. After you have completed speaking this prayer, be still for a minute or two and quietly accept this truth. Gently feel the joy of being free and prosperous now.
With this Special Prosperity Prayer we send our blessings and give thanks that your prosperity is growing in marvelous ways, and you are richly and abundantly blessed from this moment forward. Be assured that we are praying with you.
If you like this prayer, please send a Thank-Offering to: Golden Key Ministry-Unity. Thank you. – With Love, Rev. John
Golden Key Ministry-Unity
Prayer for Prosperity
Declarations of Prosperity
I decree and declare that…
This day I live and move and have my being in God.
Today I shall see the unveiling of God’s divine plan in my life.
This day I shall experience a dramatic increase in blessings.
God reigns above all prevailing circumstances establishing divine order
in my life.Nothing shall halt the plans and purposes of God in my life.
I decree there is no more delay as every postponement is dissolved away.
As the light of Spirit breaks forth, no negative force can come near me.
Every stronghold that will not let me advance is destroyed.
Every mountain of trouble is taken up and cast into the sea.
I decree an end has come to every financial crisis in my life.
The seed of scarcity, insufficiency, deficiency is wiped out.
I am protected from every financial downturn.
I shall not be found wanting in any way.
My years of drought are finally over.
God bountifully restores any loss in my life.
All my struggles are transmuted to triumph.
God goes before me securing a path of brilliant achievement.
I am anointed for breakthrough.
Relief, reprieve, and liberation are my deliverance.
I decree this is my season of success.
My era of financial fortune is finally here.
I decree all my days flourish with prosperity.
I engage in happy, purposeful, prosperous living.
I am redeemed and set free.
Every promise for the realization of my full potential is now fulfilled.
I declare the splendor, grandeur, brilliance and glory of God.
Heaven on earth is a reality for me!