Why Not Celebrate Thanksgiving Everyday?
Thank you for being an important part of Golden Key Ministry-Unity. You are loved and appreciated.
Dear Loving Friend:
Make the Gratitude Attitude a vital part of your daily life
and see how your life improves.
Thanksgiving is good to celebrate every day. It is uplifting, healing and prospering because it is Divine Love in expression. Make the Gratitude Attitude a vital part of your daily life and see how your life improves. Give thanks for every small and large improvement, and for each blessing. Thank God for what you have now and what you expect to have. Regardless of appearances, you always have something to be grateful for. The more gratitude you express, the more love you experience and share. Gratitude lifts you into the realization of the Presence of God.
We are thankful for you, and for all who are blessed in some way by this ministry. We are grateful for the many people who ask us to pray with them. We are happy to do this because prayer is the most important part of our work.
We are thankful for the many e-mails and letters from grateful people, around the world. Thank you for writing your kind comments and sending to us your reports of answered prayer. Read the following letter from a grateful friend:
“I am grateful for everything and so thankful I was led to your wonderful ministry. I am enclosing my tithe in support of your work. I am happy to report that, thanks to your ministry praying with me, I have found just the business opportunity I was looking for. Thank you for keeping with me in prayer as I move forward. Your love, prayers, e-mails, and great websites are a real blessing to me. You are appreciated.” – M. B. in California
We are especially thankful for the loving friends who support our work with their tithes and other financial contributions. Many friends give special Thanksgiving tithes at this time, and that is wonderful! Thank you for financially giving now, and for all you give throughout the year. We are grateful for you!
What are you grateful for? Kindly write and tell us.
Let us give thanks for all the blessings in our lives, for the opportunity to live and love and enjoy everyone and everything! Enjoy a happy Thanksgiving Day – every day!
Lovingly, Rev. John, Rev. Tina & Golden Key Ministry Staff
See this month’s Positive Living Newsletter on the power of gratitude and ThanksLiving.