Dear Loving Friend:
We are especially praying with you through Easter Sunday. Our Easter prayer for you is to truly experience the resurrecting power of the Christ in you. This is nothing less than Divine Love. Open your mind and heart and allow this beautiful transforming energy to have its way in your whole being. Then, enjoy being happier, healthier, more peaceful and prosperous during Easter, and every day.
Divine Love, the real power moving in and through Jesus Christ, enabled Him to do amazing things. He said, that same power is within you and everyone. Remind yourself often that this is true.
If you have a special Easter Prayer request, kindly write it to us and we will pray with you all through Easter. RevMichelle@GoldenKeyMinistry.com
We are grateful for you, and everyone who is part of Golden Key Ministry-Unity. Thank you for your faith in us to pray with you, for visiting our websites, and for everything you do to support the work of this ministry.
A special “Thank you!” to all the loving friends who give special Easter tithes and love offerings in support of the work of Golden Key Ministry-Unity. We are thankful for all that you give, now, and throughout the year.
Thankfully accept that you are divinely guided into the wonderful new life of love, harmony, radiant health, peace, and prosperity God has for you. We are with you in prayer, dear friend, enfolding you in light, love, and peace. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
Lovingly, Rev. John