Take time to experience the miracles of God in nature. Learn to accept we are miracles too.
May Is Miracle Month
Fact is, miracles are caused more than they just happen. Do you believe you cause miracles? This month we focusing on how to create a miracle.
Fast from Chaos
How to handle the chaos we perceive to be in our life? Is there a better way to live? Helpful ideas from Rev. John and Rev. Paul Hasselbeck.
How I Found Unity
Finding Unity. Things that attracted Rev. John to Unity were love and freedom. Unity was not just another religion or church to join, but a fulfilling way of life to be learned and enjoyed. The more he learned, the happier and healthier was his life.
The Foundation of Miracles
If you are feeling a sense of inner peace, well-being, acceptance and non-resistance, then what you want is going to come to you very fast. – Richard Dotts Miracles can happen.
Your Real Self
You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are not your psyche. You are Pneuma, Divine Spirit.
How to Fulfill Your Desires
Rev. Cherie Larkin asks What do you want? A new home, new job, more money, better health, a loving relationship? She has tips on how to get it.
My Golden Key Transformation Moment
Special E-Article from Golden Key Ministry-Unity Celebrating Our 44th Anniversary By Rev. John W. Adams October 10th, 1974 is the actual date that Golden Key Ministry-Unity began. That’s when I created my first newsletter using my Royal typewrite, the one with the green keys. I sent the newsletter out to about 150 people whom I […]