How to Effortlessly Change Your Life Using the Positive Power of Divine Love
– By Rev. John W. Adams

The highest and best power for positive living is Divine Love. In The Golden Gate, Emmet Fox wrote: Love is by far the most important thing of all. He also said: “It (Love) is the Golden Gate of Paradise. Pray for an understanding of love. It covers a multitude of sins. There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that love will not heal. It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble, how hopeless the outlook, how muddled the tangle, how great the mistake, a sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.”
It has been my personal experience to discover what Emmet Fox said, to be absolutely true. As love has worked in my own life, it will work in yours. It simply makes no difference what your challenge may be, if you will invite love to do its work in your mind, body, life and affairs, you will be amazed and delighted at the result.
Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity School of Christianity, wrote: “One should make it a practice to meditate regularly on the love idea in universal Mind, with the prayer, ‘Divine Love, manifest thyself in me.’ There should be periods of mental concentration on love. Think about love and all the ideas that go to make up love will be set into motion. This produces a powerfully positive love current.”
It should be clear – Divine Love is worth your giving of your attention to. I assure you that if you will meditate daily on, “Divine Love, manifest thyself in me,” every area of your life will improve. You will discover for yourself, the positive power of Divine Love.
Because Divine Love dramatically changed my life, and the lives of many others, and to inspire you to effortlessly change your life, I am providing you with my special 21-Day Divine Love meditation practice. When you daily practice the meditation as instructed, you will discover a practical and effortless way to change and improve your life.
Besides benefitting yourself when you do this meditation, you will add significantly to the love consciousness of Mother Earth. In this way you are helping to bring peace and harmony, healing and happiness to everyone. By daily meditating on Divine Love, you step into a mighty stream of healing, enlightening, prospering and peace energy. In other words, you get into the flow of life where wonderful things just happen. Good changes will occur within you and in your life seemingly with little or no effort.
With God, ALL things are possible. When you invite Divine Love into your consciousness, there is no limit to the good that comes to you.
The 21-Day Divine Love meditation requires no physical labor or effort to trying to make something happen. In fact, the more relaxed you are, the better. Your only effort is to follow the instructions. That is all. God, Divine Love, does whatever needs doing. If you would like miracles to happen to you, the 21-Day DL meditation is your golden key. Here it is:
The 21-Day Divine Love Meditation
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.
– Matthew 6:28-29
- For 21 days dedicate 5 to 10 minutes twice daily for the sole purpose of meditating as instructed. Early morning and just before going to sleep are the best times.
- Twice-a-day, rest comfortably where you will not be disturbed, and quietly invite Divine Love into your consciousness by “speaking”: DIVINE LOVE, MANIFEST THYSELF IN ME
- “Speak” these words softly or silently, as you focus only upon the above words. If your mind tends to wander, gently repeat: “Divine Love, manifest Thyself in me.” Do this as often as necessary, but with no strain. Like inviting your best friend into your home, you are inviting Divine Love in. It always goes where it is truly invited. (In Truth, Divine Love is your best friend!).
- Never scold yourself if you slip or drift away from the affirmation. Do not wonder if you are doing it right. Just do it.
- Practice the Silence in the spaces between “speaking” or thinking the words.
- Allow yourself to feel the power and energy of Divine Love in you. Do not work at it. It will come naturally as you allow it to.
- Do not be concerned about having Divine Love, “work” on a challenge, to manifest a goal or some desired good for you. Your only “work” is to prayerfully affirm and meditate on: “Divine Love, manifest Thyself in me.”
- Twice daily, for 5 to 10 minutes, “speak” the prayer, relax and let Divine Love take care of things. It knows exactly how to bring positive changes and do everything right. It is perfectly safe to put your whole faith and trust in Divine Love.
- During the day, whenever a doubt, fear, worry, or negative thought/feeling, tries to get your attention, do not try to make it go away. Simply and quietly switch your focus to, and declare: “Divine Love, manifest Thyself in me.” Quietly meditate on these words for a minute or two, and let them go. That is all you do.
- Practice! It gets easier with practice. You will be amazed by the power, energy, joy and wonderful feeling you experience as you do this meditation. The best thing is that the power increases with each day’s experience.
Yes, this is a wonderful and effective way to effortlessly change your life. Remember: Let Divine Love brings forth results. It will do so more easily than you might think, and better too! The more you relax and let Divine Love do its work, the easier positive changes will come. After you have experienced this meditation practice for 21 days, write to me about your results and tell me what is happening. I love to hear good news! – Lovingly, Rev. John