If you are seeking for a way to enjoy greater prosperity, go where your prosperity is, within yourself. Ask for prospering ideas. Keep your mind open and receptive to discovering prospering ideas for ways to help yourself and others.
Why Tithe?
All about tithing, What is a tithe? Where should you tithe? What are the results of tithing?
Ten: The Magic Number of Increase
More about the Law of Tithing. Does it really work?
Your Supply Is Always at Hand
More of the gifts you will receive by keeping focused on God in the Silence are ideas, thoughts, or images. Your role is to be receptive to ideas and to act upon them.
Love Prosperity Prayer
Using affirmations and the principles of Scientific Prayer this prayer will enable you to consistently turn the Golden Key regarding your prosperity, turning away from your problems and turning to God.
Prosperity for Christmas!
Prosperity – What a wonderful gift to give yourself, and to share with those you love.
Add more prosperity in your life with help from prosperity affirmations, here are just some of the many in Rev. John’s book, “Power Words for Prosperous LIving”.
It’s Right to Be Rich!
It is right for everyone, especially you to be rich! You should be just as rich as you possibly can. Regardless of what you may have been taught God wants you to be rich.