My New Story About Money
By Rev. John W. Adams
This article is about much more than money. It is about right thinking and attitudes. It causes you to think differently about the Source and yourself as well as about money.
Money (or the lack of it) is what many people think a lot about. Everyone has their own story about money. Too often it is about how much money they don’t have, wish they did have or worried anxious feelings and struggles to get more while holding wrong thoughts and feelings about it.
The purpose of this article is to change all that; to help you change your thinking, feelings and attitudes so that you attract to you, (Law of Attraction) plenty of money and all the other good things of life. When you receive this special e-mail article and read it as instructed for at least 21 days, you will experience a definite change, first within yourself and subsequently in your financial condition.
Why 21 days? It has been said that it takes 21 days to change a habit. By reading this article once-a-day for 21 days, you will change your story. This special e-mail article will help you create a happy new story! You will discover it is a powerful exercise in abundance!
Through your participation in this prospering program, you not only change your personal prosperity level, you help everybody else, too. Get started now!
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