Have you ever had the feeling that something dreadful would happen? Or, have you felt that regardless of what you do, things just won’t work out well? Unfortunately, too many people have and then they wonder why they aren’t more successful in life. It is never a good idea to feel bad because if you […]
What Do You Want, and WHY You Want It?
When you decide upon something to achieve, or you are prompted from within to demonstrate some desired good in your life, do you consider why? It is good to ask yourself why you want something because then you begin to think about it and give it the attention needed to draw it to you. By […]
Thought and Feeling
Emmet Fox, in his treatise called, The Mental Equivalent, said that it is essential to have clearly in mind what you want and to give a lot of thought to it. However, he also said that feeling is even more important because it is through feeling that your good is demonstrated. When you think very […]
How to Attract What You Want Into Your Life
The first thing you must do is to decide (divinely guided) on what you want. As Dr. Maxwell Maltz, who wrote Psycho-Cybernetics, said, “We are goal-striving beings by nature.” Therefore we need something to strive toward. After you have decided upon a goal, write it down on paper and keep it handy. The next thing […]
Optimism vs. Pessimism – Part One
Why is an optimist like a tea kettle? Because he goes on whistling even though he may be up to his neck in hot water! Have you checked up lately to determine if you are an optimist or a pessimist? With all the challenges of today, there are those who see the bright side and […]
Optimism vs. Pessimism – Part Two
Between the Optimist and the Pessimist, the difference is quite droll. While the Optimist sees the donut, the Pessimist sees the hole! Another way of stating this is that Optimists usually focus on the positive while Pessimists look at the negative. While pessimists see the hole, optimists see the Whole. It’s interesting the difference it […]
Preparation for Easter – Lesson One
In some religions, it is good practice to give up something for Lent such as sweets, meat, or some other food. But it leaves more important things untouched. During this Lenten season, in preparation for Easter, try giving up the Three Terrible Cs: Condemnation, Criticism and Complaining.
Preparation for Easter – Lesson Two
When you let go of something, such as the three terrible C’s, it is always good to put something positive in its place. So, let’s put our focus on the three As: Acceptance, Approval and Appreciation.