Just how powerful the Gratitude Attitude is, cannot be measured, but evidence proves that Gratitude is great energy. A lady who tried hard to prosper and to overcome some physical challenges experienced no change in her condition. When it was discovered that she had a complaining, ungrateful attitude toward life, she was encouraged to change […]
Celebrate the Golden Key!
All through October we are celebrating the 39th anniversary of the founding of this ministry. You are invited to join with us. It is sure to be life-transforming for you. Get your copy of The Golden Key by Emmet Fox and read it again. Make a new determination to turn the Golden Key every day, at […]
A Lesson from a Spider
Eric Butterworth wrote the following in his book, In the Flow of Life. A man sat brooding at his desk one evening after receiving his dismissal notice from a company he had served for more than twenty years. He was reflecting in despair on the difficulty of getting another job at his age, the impossible […]
My Vacation
After not taking a vacation for several years, and a lot of prayerful preparation, on July 24th, I got in my Toyota Prius Hybrid and started driving from Phoenix, AZ to Coralles, NM to visit my friend, Lisa, whose husband had passed on last year. On the way, I stopped overnight with two longtime friends […]
Love Yourself
Recently, I had the good fortune to attend a presentation by Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, and have since read her book. Anita Moorjani, had an NDE after suffering from cancer. Her visit to the other side gave her special insight and clear understanding of what life is, and isn’t, and what […]
We Are All Connected!
We are all connected; we are all the same substance and energy, born of the same source, composed of the same spiritual material. – Dr. Brian Weiss Recently, I read Brian Weiss’s sixth book, Miracles Happen. This is a wonderful book and I highly recommend it because it gives insight into why, as spiritual beings, […]
Your Miracle-Working Power
May is miracle month and you are invited to participate. Our desire for you is to enjoy one miracle after another. The Truth is, miracles are all around you now. Each day during the month of May, look for and discover Miracles. What kind and what size miracles do you desire? They come in all […]
Clean Up and Clean Out!
Get ready for miracles! In the Northern Hemisphere, it is now early spring which is a good time for spring cleaning. For friends who live in the Southern Hemisphere, it is still a good time to clean up and clean out. You may call it Fall or Autumn cleaning. May is miracle month and […]