It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the busy-ness of the Christmas season. Too often it leads to being stressed out and impatient, which are not necessary, and can be avoided.
The Gratitude Attitude
What is The Gratitude Attitude? Eric Butterworth said that you don’t really need anything to be grateful for, just be grateful! Learn what is can do for you.
A Great Way to Calm Your Anger at People and Situations
Watching or listening to the so-called news” on tv, radio, computer or phone, can be dangerous to your peace of mind. So, be aware and realize that they are excellent opportunities to sharpen your Golden Key-ing skill. Use it with every situation and person that may cause you to be upset, angry, or feel frustration.
Learn and Turn The Golden Key
Turning The Golden Key is simple and easy. Here the stories of some of the many people who have found this practice helpful in their lives.
Be Still
Be still and allow yourself to feel God’s loving presence. When you are still enough, resting in the Silence, you are aware that your prayers have already been answered, that all is well.
Affirmative Prayer
The golden key to prayer and affirmative prayer
How to Live a Life of Peace and Harmony
How to Live a Life of Peace and Harmony. Why making a quilt and making a life are the same.
May Is Miracle Month
Fact is, miracles are caused more than they just happen. Do you believe you cause miracles? This month we focusing on how to create a miracle.