We Are All Seeking Love, Peace, Prosperity, and Loy in Our Lives
By Rev. Michelle Abraham
We are all seeking love, peace, prosperity, and joy in our lives. What if I told you that when we embrace our kingdom of heaven within, all that we are seeking is provided to us now and always! Would you believe me? Or are you experiencing a hesitation in believing it is that simple? Our Christ consciousness has always been within us and when we believe and have faith, we prosper in all areas of our lives.
To receive the riches that God intends for us, we open our hearts and minds willing to experience the love, peace, joy, and abundant life that is our birth right to enjoy. Kindness is inherently within us and when we express it, we experience the true gift of giving and receiving that is blessing our lives.
Kindness comes from the heart as it is rooted in love. It involves us to be generous, caring and compassionate towards not only ourselves but to others as well. Kindness is a way to show love to others and thus boost our own level of happiness.
So let’s take time to be kind to ourselves and show the gift of kindness to others everyday. Lovingly, Rev Michelle
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. – Oscar Wilde