Sharpen Your GK Skill!
By Rev. John W. Adams
You are invited to celebrate with us the anniversary of the founding of Golden Key Ministry-Unity through the month of October. During this time, let’s sharpen our ability to turn The Golden Key.
First, re-read The Golden Key, by Emmet Fox. Then, decide and apply it to every situation and person that may cause you to be upset, angry, or feel frustration. Watching or listening to the so-called news” on tv, radio, computer or phone, can be dangerous to your peace of mind. So, be aware and realize that they are excellent opportunities to sharpen your Golden Key-ing skill.
Sometimes when someone tells me about a person who is a challenge to them, they’re worrying about, or who may be “pushing their buttons,” I will ask, “have you ‘Golden Key-ed’ them yet?” Then I remind them of this golden key opportunity.
Join with us in making this the beginning of an epic era of a more peaceful, loving, enjoyable, and healthy life for you and everyone! Let’s decide, right now, to sharpen our Golden Key-ing skills, and encourage others to do the same. Just imagine how loving, peaceful, happy and healthy everyone will be when are all dedicated Golden Key-ers! Practice makes perfect. For the next 30 days, do your very best. Your happier, more peaceful life depends on it.- Lovingly, Rev. John
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I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow. – Jeremiah 31:1
Golden Keys to Answered Prayer…
To more quickly for your prayers to be answered, quiet your mind and stop asking. God is always in the silence as is the answer. Listen! Prayer Requests
In the Mail…
Prayer Brings Healing! – Several weeks ago, I asked you to pray with me for healing for my daughter. After writing, it wasn’t long before she began to function more on her own. She is making excellent progress now, and I am sure everything will be fine. Please continue to pray with me for her. It is good to know that someone cares. I am enclosing my tithe. Your ministry is reaching more people than you might think. – Connecticut
Bites of Wisdom…
Successful, harmonious living results when we learn to bring the outer expression into focus with the Inner Reality. – Donald Curtis
Struggle is a sure sign that you are moving against your blessings. Quit fighting for or against your good – it will come to you more quickly when you are relaxed. You cannot fight for peace; if you are fighting for anything, you are at war. Peace is a natural gift that you accept by opening your heart and letting go of the struggle. – Alan Cohen
A Little Humor…
Reporter to Sir Winston Churchill: “What do you say, Sir, to the prediction that by the year 2000 women will be ruling the world?” Churchill smiled his wise old cherubic smile, “They still will, eh?”
Unless you can create the whole universe in five days, perhaps giving “advice” to God isn’t such a good idea.
English teacher: “Use a word ten times and it will be yours for life. Female student: “Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred, Fred.”