Miracles ― Naturally
By Rev. John W. Adams
I LIKE to listen to beautiful, relaxing music on YOUTUBE. Recently, I found one with opening flowers and tree buds. Occasionally, bees and butterflies would land on them.* It doesn’t take long to realize this is some of the seemingly miraculous activity of God.
It would seem that God is very busy, but in reality, He is not. God just IS. Since God is everywhere present all the time, He is naturally wholly present wherever flowers bloom as the blooms, themselves. That is true for all of us humans, too.
To experience seeming miracles, it makes sense to just do what comes naturally: ALLOW OURSELVES TO JUST BE IN THIS BEAUTIFUL PRESENCE. Then we will ‘bloom’ where we are, NATURALLY!
Let go and be the beautiful miracle that you are!
😁Lovingly, Rev. John
*For you with love! beautiful gentle piano music! Flowers bloom beautifully to the music.
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Join with us in increasing everyone’s prosperity by affirming:
All financial doors are open, all financial channels are free, and God is richly and abundantly blessing myself, Golden Key Ministry-Unity, and everyone, right now! Thank You, God, I am grateful! And so it is!
Speak this prayer 3 times daily. Be still and allow yourself to feel Divine Love prospering you and all in every way.
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We Are Living Miracles
By Rev. Michelle M. Abraham
It’s amazing how we can question the miracles in our lives. It is as if we are saying “We are not worthy of such blessings.” It might be because we let fear and learned behavior get in our way. We get so caught up in the stories of the past and in other people’s beliefs, that it blocks us from experiencing the “miracles” in our lives that are calling us to a higher level of spiritual consciousness.
God is our own true Source of Love and Miracles. When we open ourselves to God first, the entire universe opens up to us and the miracles begin as we stay open-minded, have faith, and believe.
One of my favorite books is Discover the Power Within You by Eric Butterworth. In his book he talks about “finding and accepting the divinity within each of us” and if we accept this Truth, we will see it in everyone. I believe he is saying it is our responsibility to accept not only that we are miracles, but that everyone is a miracle of life.
It is time for us to shake loose the old thinking and let go of old behaviors that are not 100% supporting us in living our best lives. Time to become willing to embrace a new way of thinking and believing that allows us to live the life God intended us to have. We are living miracles and it is our time to recognize what we are and reveal our true selves to the world!
Affirm with me:
“I shake loose all thoughts and behaviors that do not embrace my being the miracle that I am.” I AM a Miracle!
Lovingly, Rev Michelle
Positive Prayer
Celebrating the Miracles in my Life!
I affirm all blessings around me, through me, and in me.
I focus my gratitude on Love, Joy, Peace and Prosperity.
Golden Keys to Answered Prayer
W G A T A P – With God All Things Are Possible. Keep this truth in mind. It is your assurance that whatever you ask for in prayer, is already yours.
In the Mail
Book is Helpful! – I want to thank you for writing your book, *Positively Alive! I found it in my Unity church bookstore and something told me I should have it. I was going through a very challenging situation and your book helped me through it. I especially liked the chapters on, When Thing Look the Worst and You Can Begin Again. What you wrote on love and prayer was very helpful, too. This is an excellent book, one that everyone should have. I recommend it to my friends. Thank you again for writing it. Enclosed is my tithe in support of your ministry. I am grateful for you. – D. M. in Georgia
*Purchase Positively Alive! in our bookstore.
Bites of Wisdom
For the truly faithful, no miracle is necessary. For those who doubt, no miracle is sufficient. – Nancy Gibbs
Real miracles are created by men when they use their God-given courage and intelligence. – Jean Anouilh (The Lark)
The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Miracles are what happens when you get out of the way of yourself. – Brad Szollose
A Little Humor
A woman found a note on the coffee-shop menu: “We will pay you $10 if you order a sandwich we can’t make.”
She ordered an elephant ear sandwich. After several minutes the waitress returned and said, “Here’s your $10, ma’am. We can’t make that sandwich.”
“I’m not surprised,” answered the woman. “Where would you ever get an elephant ear?”
“Oh, it’s not the ears,” said the waitress. “We’re out of those big buns.”
– David Letterman