Change is the law of the Universe. Without change, the world would not only remain in a static state, it would soon become stale and stagnant. – Emmet Fox
Since change is inevitable, it is interesting how many people fight change. Many well-meaning people say they want to have a happier, healthier and more prosperous life, but are very reluctant to let go of old habitual, unproductive thought-patterns.
Without change you cannot progress, you cannot achieve the desires of your heart. The first change that must take place is in thinking. This means to visualize the kind of life you want, make whatever mental change is necessary, and take positive action toward your new life.
Instead of looking upon change fearfully, accept that God is guiding you and God always knows what He is doing. You are wise to spend sufficient time with God in prayer which means to open your mind and heart to His wisdom, intelligence, life and love. Quietly accept that you are being guided by God, that God knows what to do and how to do it and is doing it through you. This very act will bring about change but instead of resisting change, go with the flow. Relax and know that God is opening wonderful new doors of opportunity for you.
A man who had been let out of his job after 20 years and had only the skill he had employed for so long, accepted this new opportunity to learn something new. Soon, he was hired by a company that was looking for just such a man with his newly found skills. They offered him additional training and paid him more than he’d been making before. This was a big change for this man, but instead of resisting it, he accepted this new opportunity and it paid off for him.
Whatever change or changes you may be facing, relax, let go and know that God is now guiding you into something wonderful. Change is inevitable. Change is good. Everything is evolving into greater and greater good for you. – Lovingly, Rev. John
This Week’s Golden Key Positive Prayer:
Today and every day, I send the very best to everyone and attract the very best to me.
Depending on your desire to prosper, declare the above prayer 50 to 100 times every day for at least a week. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will!
Are you ready for miracles? During the month of May we are focusing our prayer support upon the miracle-producing activity of God and invite you to join with us.
Bytes of Wisdom. . .
As any change must begin somewhere, it is the single individual who will experience it and carry it through. The change must indeed begin with an individual; it might be any one of us. – Carl G. Jung
I realized that if what we call human nature can be changed, then absolutely anything is possible. And from that moment, my life changed. – Shirley MacLaine
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. – Alan Cohen
In the mail . . . An e-Note:
“Thanks so much for the very inspiring e-Zine. After reading it this morning, I was lifted out of a worried and fearful feeling and felt restored to wholeness. I will ever be Grateful for your uplifting Service. Thank you for praying with me.” – E. H.
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