Loving Yourself
To the degree that you fear, you are not love. Some have said that faith is the opposite of fear, but love is. When you sufficiently allow love to have its way in you, faith is present, too.
A number of years ago, a young lady came to talk with me about some difficulties she was experiencing. She wanted to be more successful in her work, however, she was very discouraged and ready to give up. She said that no matter how much she wanted to succeed, and she wanted to in a big way, there always seemed to be stumbling blocks on her pathway. In a matter of speaking, there were — they were in her thinking.
Raised in a depressing religious environment, this young lady had accepted a belief system that did not allow her to believe that she deserved to be loved and or successful. Also, due to past experiences, she felt guilty. Yet, it was obvious that she had a large capacity to love, but tended to keep it bottled up inside her. With a good education and many years of experience it was apparent that she was very capable and well-prepared to be of real help to other people.
Once she was able to get beyond the self-imposed limitations, her progress was speedy. She learned to relax and let go and let love freely express itself in and through her. Love erased the guilt, low self-esteem, and fear, and freed her to be successful.
Now, she is prospering as she had always wanted to. Although difficult at first, she learned to really love herself and to let go and let it express through her talents and abilities. Through her, many people are blessed. Yes, love frees you from fear and moves you forward into success, happiness and joyful living. – Lovingly, Rev. John
There is no room for fear in love; perfect love banishes fear. – 1 John 4:18 NEB
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Positive Prayer
Love is my fulfilling power. Through love I am fearless, happy and free!
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Golden Keys to Answered Prayers…
Love is positively the highest and best energy for getting your prayers answered. Actually, love is the only energy. You may wait and try everything else to have your prayers answered, but it is better to invoke the power and energy of love first. Love goes before you preparing your way. Love works in you and everything else to make your way smoother and easier and to bring the best results. In Truth, love is the way of answered prayer.
In The Mail…
Love Brings Positive Change! – Thank you so much for all your wonderful prayers. I am happy that I participated in your “Love Experience.” [no longer available] I have had many positive changes and improvements in my life and relationships. A lot of emotional baggage was released as I was guided to a workshop where a new type of therapy was taught. I gained good insight into myself and my behavior patterns. Now, I have attracted new people into my life and have released worn-out relationships and conditions. My family relationships have grown and have become much deeper, more loving and richer for all of us. Thankfully, through love, there have been some dynamic changes in me and in my life. My grateful tithe is enclosed. – J. H. in Arizona
Bytes of Wisdom …
No one has any power to hurt us. No one has any power to keep our good from us. No one can deprive us of our divine inheritance except as we allow it to be done. – Winifred Wilkinson
The road to success is a straight and narrow path; it is a road of loving absorption, of undivided attention. – Florence Scovell Shinn
When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.” And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. – Kahlil Gibran
It is only the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. – Antoine De St. Extupry
A Little Humor …
A friend invited me to an upscale Palm Springs restaurant to celebrate his long-awaited goal of owning a Rolls Royce automobile. After dinner, instead of handing the parking attendant the parking ticket stub, my friend said, “It’s the Rolls.” “What color Rolls?” the attendant asked. – Daniel Weisman
A Special Note of Thanks…
I do my best to provide the best in spiritual food to nourish the souls of all who receive and read my Newsletters. I am most grateful for friends who write their appreciation to me, and especially those who support my ministry with their tithes and other financial contributions.
Thank you! – Rev. John
Golden Key Ministry-Unity
To stimulate your thinking and make your day, and your life, more wonderful in every way.
- Today’s Love Inspiration – www.LiveLifeLovingly.org
- Golden Keys to Enlightened Living! – www.GoldenKeyMinistry.com
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