Looking for a way to dissolve troublesome situations or deal with difficult people? Learn how to “Golden Key” them!
More Loving in Your Living!
While talking one day with Dr. Emma M. Smiley, who was then the Divine Science minister of Victoria (B.C.) Truth Centre, she revealed to me an essential lesson for living. She told me that teachers in her Children’s Church of the Golden Key, were instructed that when a child was upset, or not cooperative, they […]
“I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace. When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, we are one.” Namaste (NAH-mas-tay) is the Indian way […]
Let Freedom Ring!
Many people long to be free.They suffer from various kinds of bondage to things such as illness, unhappy marriage or other relationships, financial lack and limitation. It is interesting to note that while some people say they would like to be free, not everyone is willing to do what is required to actually be free. […]
The Positive Power of Divine Love
Emmet Fox wrote: Love is by far the most important thing of all. It simply makes no difference what your challenge may be, if you will invite love to do its work in your mind, body, life and affairs, you will be amazed and delighted at the result.
The Way to Have Miracles
You may experience not only one miracle, but as many as you would like. Learn how to have miracles.
A Higher Perspective
Eric Butterworth wrote, “An English couple was visiting New York City for the first time. They came with some apprehensions because they had been conditioned with a vision of a sordid and crime-ridden city. Their host thoughtfully took them first to the observation deck of one of the city’s highest buildings so they could get […]
How to Have a Happy Easter and Life
The Unity way of prayer is to go within, having shut the door of your mind and commune with God in the stillness of your heart. This means to not take negatives such as fears, doubts, worries, or anger into prayer with you.