Are you sending mixed signals to your subconscious mind? Watch what you are thinking. Sometimes, you do a pretty good job of affirming Truth for yourself, but at the same time, even unconsciously, declare something that negates the Truth.
May Is Miracle Month!
Golden Keys to Positive Living – We are focusing upon creating miracles through the month of May. You are invited to join with us, and to send to us your miracle prayer request. Miracle are caused more than they just happen. The primary cause is your mind. It consists of getting your thinking in tune […]
Dare to Break Out!
Golden Keys to Positive Living – Dare to Break Out! Through my many years of counseling and working with people, I have realized that some people are in prisons although they are walking around apparently free. The prisons they have made are of their own creation. They are “prisons” of lack and limitation, of fear […]
Prep for Easter and Beyond
The Lenten season is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter. During this time, according to tradition, something is given up for Lent. It is usually something like meat, which is an excellent idea, or some habit. To truly prepare for a real Easter celebration, you are wise to give up harmful attitudes […]
Love Is Freedom from Fear
Love frees you from fear and moves you forward into success, happiness and joyful living.
Turn the Page!
Moving from one year to a new one is the turning of a page. When you read a book printed on paper or in a Kindle or other such digital device, you read one page at-a-time. Coming to the end of one page, you turn to the next one and leave the last one. I […]
Right Conditions for Demonstration
When Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem in preparation of Jesus’ birth, they were not allowed in the Inn because a party was going on and there was no room. So they went to a manger where He was born. This is a symbolical story and teaches a vital lesson. Sometimes, when someone is trying […]
Don’t sweat it – Golden Key it!
When a problem arises, often someone will get all worked up about it, worry about it, experience fear, and set about trying to solve it. That approach usually leads to being tired and frustrated and the expansion of the problem. A good thing to remember is that problems are not real. They only seem real. […]