LiveLifeLovingly! – Part 2. consciously BE the Love that you are. If you do not already love yourself and everyone unconditionally, now is the time to start. It simply means to treat yourself and everyone kindly and compassionately. In other words, be thoughtful, peaceful and forgiving.
APOCATASTASIS! (Apoh-ca-tas-ta-sis)
In your personal life, if things have not been as great as you would like, if your plans have seemed to go awry, or you haven’t made as much progress as you had hoped for, now is the time to declare: APOCATASTASIS! It means something wonderful is happening.
APOCATASTASIS! (Apoh-ca-tas-ta-sis) – Part 2
Something Wonderful is happening. Do you judge by appearances and believe that not much good is happening, or do you look beyond and see the vast goodness of God? The Truth is:You are a beloved, deserving child of God. You have within you a spark of divinity that never gives up; that knows that something wonderful is waiting for you.
APOCATASTASIS! (Apoh-ca-tas-ta-sis) – Part 3
Do you worry? If so, you are not alone. Many people do. However, that doesn’t make it a right thing to do. The reason that people worry is mostly because of a conscious dis-connect with God, the source. Declare APOCATASTASIS! – Something wonderful is happening!
Get Ready for a Happy Successful New Year!
To make your new year happy and successful, pray and meditate regularly on Success ideas, take God as your active Partner through regular prayer and meditation, open your mind to success ideas and put them to work. Faith plus imagination, plus love, plus enthusiasm, plus positive action work wonders. Expect something wonderful to happen, and it will! – Lovingly, Rev. John Adams
What Will the New Year Bring?
What is it you desire to have, do, or be? Prayerfully allow yourself to be guided. Speak positive prayers such as those above, expect good things to happen, have faith in God to guide you in all your ways. What will the New Year bring? God has infinite rich blessings awaiting your claim and acceptance.
Why Jesus came to Earth – The Truth about Christmas
Why Jesus came to Earth – The Truth about Christmas Jesus primary purpose was to teach us love and compassion for one another.
Christmas Every Day
The way to experience Christmas every day is to invoke the power and energy of Divine Love in everything you say and do.