Be still and allow yourself to feel God’s loving presence. When you are still enough, resting in the Silence, you are aware that your prayers have already been answered, that all is well.
Affirmative Prayer
The golden key to prayer and affirmative prayer
How to Live a Life of Peace and Harmony
How to Live a Life of Peace and Harmony. Why making a quilt and making a life are the same.
May Is Miracle Month
Fact is, miracles are caused more than they just happen. Do you believe you cause miracles? This month we focusing on how to create a miracle.
2021 A No Fear Year
How to Live with Less Fear Part 1. Imagine living a whole year with no fear. Here Are a Few Ideas to Help You Live Your No-fear Year by Rev. John W. Adams.
How to Have a No Fear Year
How to Live with Less Fear Part 2. Keys steps towards living a no-fear year by Rev. John W. Adams.
How to Live with Less Fear Part 3
How Live with Less Fear in Your Life Part 3. The reality is love is the mighty fulfilling power. Remember this and it will help you make this your no-fear year.
The Very Best Gift!
What is the very best gift you can give. Hint, you don’t have to wrap it.